What to do on vacation?

How beautiful is our favorite work! Especially when the vacation begins. But that's bad luck. Sometimes it turns out that with the coming of the cherished days off, many of us do not have the opportunity to leave their native penates. In a few days it becomes boring and I want to climb against the wall from longing. Then the question arises, what to do during the vacation? He was so welcome, but now he does not seem to like it. To save the situation will help our practical advice and wonderful ideas, than take time off from work.

What to do on vacation?

Hearing a similar question, many for certain will be surprised: "How what to do? Of course, relax! ". And they will not be quite right. A person is so arranged that a complete inaction after a couple of days begins to drive into depression. Still, work after all made of monkeys people. But this does not mean that during a well-deserved rest it is necessary to work and take precious time for moonlighting, dacha, etc. It's about spiritual work, and rest is active and productive. The first step, which is important for taking care of your vacation, is to decide for yourself that the time you spend on vacations in an aimless felting on the couch in front of the TV, but will be remembered with bright impressions or a sense of satisfaction from solving life's affairs. So, the mood is received. We pass to the main, to be exact to the most interesting variants, than to be engaged in holiday:

1. How long did you spend time in nature? Not necessarily in a long hike or at the dacha, but just at least in the forest? There is a huge number of options for what to do on holiday in the summer. These are trips for mushrooms, bathing in the river, or, after all, just walking in the open field or in the woods behind the house. You probably do not listen for a long time, as the leaves rustle in the wind and the birds roll up concerts. And it's worth it. Believe and try to feel on yourself how beautifully the unity with nature.

2. What do you do when you leave home, if it's raining outside or is it under forty degrees frost? Look around, and you will see a lot of opportunities without leaving your own apartment. Read, finally, a book that did not reach the hands. Learn a few lessons of a foreign language. Learn to play the guitar. All done and do not know what else to do on vacation at home? Turn over, eventually, an apartment and make a reshuffle in it. It will not only refresh the interior, but also add to you a huge charge of vivacity and well-being! Did you dream of mastering several skills of needlework or do you want to breed flowers? Forward! You have time for this!

3. Talk to your friends. They will definitely tell you what to find during your vacation. Surely you have a couple of friends, with whom you did not have time to meet. Cafes, movies, zoos, museums, theaters. In the world there are a lot of interesting places that you simply have to visit during your holiday.

4. An excellent option for what can be done on vacation, so that it is remembered, is shopping. But not quite normal. Do not buy anything global. Let it be little things like a new barrette or a beautiful figurine for the living room. Route your route through those places where you rarely visit because of employment. And be sure to take your camera with you. Believe me, an exciting journey awaits you, full of new impressions and discoveries!

5. If you still have not decided what to do during your holiday, we offer some more ideas:

Get enough sleep!

Try to make at least half of all the proposed cases and believe me - colleagues do not recognize you and will be asked where you are so well rested.