Development of singing skills in preschool children

The art of singing in the period of antiquity was considered the first sign of the person's education. This opinion can be applied in our time, because the development of vocal data in children contributes not only to the formation of hearing, speech and thinking, but also the emotional and moral sphere of the preschool child and his creative curiosity. On how to teach the child to sing, and will go further.

Basic singing skills

For today in kindergartens this issue is not given due attention, and, despite several years of singing lessons, children, coming to school, and do not know how to manage their own voice.

The method of teaching children of preschool age singing should form the basic singing skills for children, which include:

As a child grows up and learns skills, they become more complicated.

In the first year of classes at the age of three, the child must sing accompanied by an adult and the simplest songs are taken for learning. Already closer to school, children who are systematically engaged in singing should perform songs independently and collectively. In this case, songs are sung in a sing-song, expressive way, the words are pronounced by them clearly and the sounds are transmitted correctly.

Features of teaching the singing of children of preschool age

When teaching the singing of young children, physiological characteristics must be taken into account. So, the vocal cords are thin and short, the size of the larynx is three times less than in the adult, the volume of the lungs is smaller. Thanks to this, the sounds issued by children are light and high, but weak.

When teaching young children, it is best to use the game. It is through it that they are much easier to learn all the material and skills, besides, they do not lose interest in the studies themselves.

Parents who do not have music education, engage with children singing on their own is not recommended. It's better to trust professionals. Up to 6 - 7 years, all singing for children wear a game form and lasts only a short time, only 30 minutes. Parents need to remember that for the successful learning of a child it is not enough to choose an experienced teacher and technique, much more important is his desire to sing. If it is not, then all the lessons will turn into torture for the children.

Gaming methodology for teaching children singing

Voice intonation

Before moving with the child directly to singing, you need to give him the opportunity to hear your own voice. For this purpose, games are suitable in which the child will need to reproduce separate intonations, for example, joys and sorrows. Since in everyday life these notes in the child's voice are already familiar, it will be easier to attach to music, because similar intonations are inherent in musical rhythms.


It is equally important to deal with the child's speech and diction, because when singing you need to correctly and clearly reproduce the sounds. A good help in this is the articulatory gymnastics. It helps the child to warm up the muscles of the jaw, tongue and cheeks.

Game "Yazychok"

This is the main articulation game for kids. The game is that the tongue "travels" along the mouth of the child and thereby warms up all the necessary muscles. During the game, the children are told a rhyme and they must repeat all the movements for the leader.

For example:

" To the left (we pierce the tongue with the cheek on the left),

right (now the cheek on the right),

Once (again on the left),

two (again on the right).

Up (pierce the upper lip).

down (bottom),

Up - down (still on the upper and lower lip).

Yazychok, do not be lazy!

Lips, wake up (vibrate lips)!

Rotik, open up (open your mouth very wide!)

Tongue, show yourself (bite the tip of your tongue),

and do not be afraid of teeth (stick your tongue forward and put it back, biting the entire surface of the tongue)!

And teeth, and teeth

bite even the lips (biting the lower lip).

Bite, bite (bite the upper lip)

and do not let up.

And the lips that laugh at (in the smile we open the upper teeth),

then strongly offended (we turn out the lower lip, giving the face an offended expression).

They laugh joyfully (to open their upper teeth in a smile),

then again take offense (we turn out the lower lip).

Tooths tired of biting -

they began to chew the tongue (we chew the tongue with the lateral teeth).

The tongue is not a cabbage leaf,

it is completely, not at all tasty!

Teeth, teeth, calm down ,

a good wash ( wash your tongue between your upper lip and your teeth).

Do not be angry, do not bite (we spend the tongue between the lower lip and teeth),

and smile with us (smile)!


An equally important point of the child's learning of singing is the statement of breathing. Proper breathing to the child is necessary in order to learn how to regulate the strength of the reproduced sound. This can be done with the help of exercises in which the child is given the task to inflate as much as possible the stomach, blow out the candle, blowing at it as long as possible, and so on. Thanks to such activities, the lower sections of the lungs are used, which are necessary for singing.