The world around for preschoolers

The first questions about what concerns him and interests him, the child begins to think meaningfully at the age of three or four years. This indicates that he is ready at this stage to receive information adapted to his age. Being in a children's collective, where experienced teachers conduct familiarity of preschool children with the surrounding world, the child learns to analyze different situations faster and draw his own conclusions.

If the toddler does not visit the garden, then parents need to make every effort to ensure that the age of the paw pincers stretched out as long as possible. After all, over time, the ability to ask questions about everything in the world in a child decreases, or even disappears altogether, if he does not receive convincing answers, or parents can not or do not want to answer them.

The world around for preschoolers in a game form

Games and classes for preschoolers about the world around are necessary for the child to have a clear idea of ​​what surrounds him, and also about his place in the society at the end of the preschool period. For this purpose, the "Environment for Peace" program for preschoolers has been created, which includes various methods, methods and activities that allow the young person to experimentally establish cause-effect relationships.

Classes are held with the application, known to everyone, modeling, drawing , applications , story-role games. The latter has a huge role, because it is in the form of a game that a child can be given to understand and fix in his memory that which does not work out in the form of an instructive conversation. Because of his age, the child inherent desire and ability to try on the role of various fairy-tale characters.

Familiarization of preschool children with the surrounding world

Acquaintance can be conducted through simple experiments where the child has a leading role, but the adult always keeps the situation under control so that at the right moment, not prompt, but explain how to do better.

The baby himself makes decisions, receiving his first life experience.

The world around for preschoolers is multifaceted and unexplored. It seems to us, adults, that everything in this life has long been understood. For a child, this is not the case. And for him to find and realize himself in it, as a person, already from a young age, the kid needs to instill love for the Motherland, relatives and relatives, a sense of kindness, love and responsibility. To teach to treat carefully everything that surrounds him, preach care and participation in relation to old and sick people. It is important for adults to show to their child what they want to teach him.