Yoga for hormonal balance

The female organism is subordinated to a kind of "pendulum", which is the menstrual cycle. Cyclicality affects not only the ability to conceive a child, but also to all processes in the female body: the work of the nervous system, blood circulation and hematopoiesis, urination, psycho-emotional background, etc., changes.

The main signal about any violations of the "pendulum" is pain. Pain and malaise with PMS , delays, too little or too much discharge are all signals that indicate that the hormonal background is a regulator of any process of vital activity. So, for hormonal balance, yoga is increasingly being used, as a substitute for pharmacological therapy, or in combination. And the effectiveness of this method is that "female yoga" is not just a beautiful name. Indeed, there is a special yoga for female hormones, for the female body, and for the female cycle.

Menstruation in Indian

In India during menstruation, women traditionally not only do not do yoga, but also do nothing at home. They do not come into contact with the husband and children at all, spend all the time in a separate room, rest, eat, give the opportunity to cleanse your body. Something similar happens to Muslims. There, during the months, a woman is considered "dirty" and she does not have the right to touch the holy scriptures of the Koran.

Tips for women from Gita Iyengar

Gita Iyengar is a well-known yoga distributor for women, modified Indian canons for the life of a modern woman of the West.

In this case, yoga is used to normalize the hormonal background of a modern woman who can not close in a separate room and cause the whole world to wait until her menstruation runs out.

Yoga, according to G. Iyengar, supports the female body in this difficult period. To do this, you need to organize your classes correctly:

How does yoga affect the hormonal background?

First of all, yoga affects the hormones of estrogen. Increased production of estrogen interferes with the normal course of menstruation, and yoga affects the synthesis of this hormone, stimulating the work of the liver.

The fact that yoga and the hormonal background are interrelated, and the second is corrected first, proves the effect on the organs that the classes provide: