Benefit and harm of yoga

Yoga is a system of static exercises, which, not much, not a few, is several thousand years old. Performing asana, you fix the position of the body and listen to your inner sensations. You can not do yoga "fast", hurrying and late. Otherwise, you just break its whole essence.

In regard to the benefits and harms of yoga, there are many conflicting stereotypes generated by people who did not want to do yoga according to the rules. We'll figure out where the truth is.


So, a static exercise. It is useful already at least in the fact that in statics it is much more difficult to be traumatized than in dynamics. Smoothly and slowly your body assumes a certain position of asana, in which you stay from 20 seconds, to several minutes, and even hours (but this already applies to experienced yogis comprehending nirvana in each asana).

During asanas, you practice pranayama - breathing the whole body. Pranayama will teach you how to breathe, and you will certainly use this skill not only in the hall, but also in everyday life.

Due to the long fixation of each position, yoga is an incredible benefit to the spine. It stretches it, restores the natural curve, strengthens the back muscles, and not only.

Flexible muscles, flexibility , elastic skin, excellent joint mobility, and, of course, the loss of excess weight - all this indicates the benefits of yoga for the figure. The truth is not worth weighing after every training - choosing yoga, you agree on a pleasant, but very long way of transformation.

Listening, what is the use of yoga can not forget to mention the circulatory, respiratory and nervous system. With the latter everything is clear, with such a relaxation, even the most easily inflammable people calm down. Yoga normalizes the pressure, it teaches you to give up bad habits and breathe all over your chest.


The harm of yoga is inevitable, if you do not learn to listen to your body and perform everything gradually, improving their skills. All the benefits of inverted poses in yoga will be brought to nothing if you start them without warming up, without going through the preparatory stage, and, of course, without the help of an instructor. Wrong and inappropriate execution of inverted poses is fraught with spinal injuries.

The same goes for sick people. With genyantritis , colds, flu, you can not do yoga, because you can not breathe normally in asanas, which means, instead of relaxing the body, make it even more constrained and tense.

In principle, any motor activity can be both harmful and useful. It all depends on who performs it.