Meditation with color

Such practice as color meditation is able not only to establish the inner psychological and moral state of a person , but also, with proper application, to cure even chronic diseases of some organs.

Fundamentals of Meditation

They consist in choosing the right color, which will maximally improve a person's condition and lead to the best results. After that, the very art of meditation will be to completely relax and concentrate on the chosen shade, ideally, by finding an association that will completely immerse you in color in your own imagination.

Meditation with color

Suppose, in meditation on purple, advise to use the association with a dark summer night. Imagine yourself in this situation is much easier and more understandable than just immersion in the abstraction of the violet glow. Being there, in the darkness of a summer night, you imagine how it envelops you from all sides and gradually gets inside, adding to your body of strength and energy, granting great providence, peace, the ability to look at everything from above, as if merging into a single being with the cosmos. Finishing meditation on color and waking from sleep, you understand the strength of meditation itself, feeling much stronger and happier than before. Such practices can be carried out as a way to relax and relax after a hard day when the body needs to lose or destroy negative emotions and stock up new forces both physically and emotionally.

But, depending on the color, the essence can consist not only in relax meditation, but also in the form of treatment. As an example, you can bring meditation to green. He improves the condition for chronic diseases, in general he works to improve the state of health and is able to gradually strengthen the human muscle tissue. In this case, the main point of meditation color should be the emphasis on feeding the body, healing it. One should imagine how the green color encompasses from all sides and gives beauty, youth and health, fills with the energy and strength of the cosmos and the universe. You must be completely focused and relaxed at the same time, sincerely believe that meditation is able to help you, and together you will overcome all adversities and illnesses. You are filled with life, positive emotions and spiritual strength.

When healing color depends on the meditation of what chakra you want to achieve. Each of them has its own shade, its name, as well as useful properties, a list of organs and systems of the organism for which they respond. Also for each chakra one can find a healing mantra, repeating which when meditating with color, you increase the probability of obtaining the maximum result at the end of practice.

At the end of any meditation one should feel gratitude. You ask for help from the color and it renders it to you, for which you say thank you. Meditation on color is like communicating with a spiritual mentor. Reliable, faithful and always ready to help, if only you are ready to open.

From your desire and ability to escape from the worldly vanity, having gone to relaxation, will depend on the effectiveness of the work of meditation. You should enjoy what you are doing and end the practice when you yourself feel that this will be enough. Meditation is working with oneself, that's why the main thing is to feel your body, feel its desires, listen to its advice. The power of meditation is not only the result, but also in the process itself. You can achieve anything by learning how to work with your subconscious mind.