Vitamin Cocktail

There are in this world something even more useful than freshly squeezed juices. These are vitamin cocktails made on the basis of freshly squeezed juices, but with several other interesting ingredients, such as olive oil, fiber from crushed fruits and vegetables, and natural yoghurts.

Based on the name, it is clear that our cocktails contain a lot of vitamins, as well as, as mentioned above, fiber. All this is not only useful, but also satisfying. Therefore, vitamin cocktails are actively used for weight loss, replacing one portion of breakfast or dinner.

Cocktail preparation rules

How to make a vitamin cocktail - it's easy to understand: take vegetables or fruits and let them through the juicer. Part of the products are ground in a blender, then mix the resulting puree with freshly squeezed juice. Additives - this is a lot of fantasy or a recipe.

Choose products in accordance with their problems:

And now we will prepare a vitamin cocktail for the sportsmen, wishing to strengthen the process of fat burning from training even more.

Fat burning cocktail



Kiwi peeled, put together with lemon, mint and honey in a blender. Bring to uniformity and dilute with water.

Cleansing Cocktail

For those who want to activate the metabolism and remove all accumulated decomposition products from the body, we recommend to prepare a cleansing cocktail.



Grapefruits are cleaned and passed through a juicer. Pulp of fresh pineapple put into a blender and beat until homogeneous. Mix the pineapple puree and grapefruit juice - the cocktail is ready.


"Milok" is an abbreviation of a special vitamin cocktail made of honey, nuts, dried apricots, lemon and raisins. This cocktail cosmonauts take with them to distant wanderings around the universe, and everything to keep the vitamin, and especially, the potassium balance is normal.

For cooking, you need to take dried apricots, raisins, honey, nuts in the same proportions and 1 part of lemon. Rinse and dry all products, pass through a meat grinder. In the finished mixture, add honey, mix and store in sterile jars in the refrigerator. Every day you must eat up to 1 tbsp. mixture.