Ointment from varicose veins

Most often varicose veins suffer from the fair sex. With this disease, the veins stretch, become less elastic - you probably had to see bulging vessels on the legs of women. To get rid of them the specialized ointment from varices helps best. Although, as practice shows, the most effective for ailment is still considered a complex treatment that involves the taking of pills and some physiotherapy procedures.

The best ointments from varicose veins

The assortment of modern means for varicose veins is large enough so that everyone can choose the necessary medicine. The use of ointments has several main objectives:

Here's what the best ointments look like from varicose veins:

  1. Venurotone is made on the basis of oxerutin. This substance acts on the vessels and relieves inflammation. After applying the drug, the permeability of the capillaries decreases and the veins tone increases. After the first use of the ointment, the pain subsides, the swelling comes off. It is undesirable to use Venuroton to future mothers during the first three months of pregnancy.
  2. At the heart of Ginkor - natural plant extracts. They contribute to reducing the permeability of the veins. The medication increases the tone of the veins and prevents the development of inflammation. The huge advantage of this tool is that it can be used by everyone, without exception.
  3. Not bad at varicose Veshnevsky's ointment has proved. True, it is most rational to apply it to those who have already developed trophic ulcers. Compresses with this medicine have antiseptic effect and accelerate the process of wound healing.
  4. Heparin ointment is aimed at reducing blood coagulability . It is used in those cases when the risk of blood clots is high. And due to the anesthetics included in the composition, an anesthetic effect is provided. Apply ointment with trophic ulcers contraindicated.
  5. Ointment from varicose Gepatrombin acts by analogy with Heparin, but the effect from its application is much higher. This is achieved through the addition of additional components. The agent is very quickly absorbed by the skin and improves metabolic processes in the tissues.
  6. Pretty good medicine - ointment for the life of veins . Its composition includes various plant extracts and essential oils. One of the most important components is the extract of leeches. This combination removes inflammation, has an antithrombotic and analgesic effect.
  7. Excellent ointment for legs from varicose veins and fatigue - Venitans . The medication is made from an extract of horse chestnut. Its application helps to reduce the fragility of capillaries and improve microcirculation. After using Venitan, the venous vessels recover very quickly.

Ointment from varicose in the home

Of course, it's not worth to be treated alone by folk remedies, but as an additional therapy they are used often enough. The most effective non-traditional recipes in the initial stages of varicose veins:

  1. One of the simplest medicines can be made from garlic. It must be crushed and thoroughly rubbed with butter. The resulting mass is applied to wreaths, covered with gauze or paper and left overnight.
  2. Helps to restore the vessels of the Kalanchoe. Tincture on the leaves of the plant is recommended to wipe the problem areas for the night.
  3. An infusion of chestnut flowers to combat varicose can be taken internally.