Fits of Fury

We all get angry from time to time - to traffic jams, an unjust boss, children's pranks, laziness of a husband, a broken heel, bad weather - and not enough for anything else. But one thing is anger, and another sudden uncontrolled bouts of anger and fury. Anger at a person or circumstances usually passes without destructive consequences, but in anger we are capable of anything, even hurt our loved ones and close people. But you can control sudden fits of rage, let's figure out how to do it.

How to cope with a fit of rage?

  1. If you feel the approach of rage, go to the mirror and see which muscles of your face are straining. In a calm state, learn how to control them - arbitrarily strain and relax. During the next outbreak of anger, try to relax these muscles, a difficult one, but it will help you to teach you how to control your emotions.
  2. The next ritual may help. Divide the sheet into three columns. In the first describe the situation and people who cause you negative emotions. In the second - your reaction, and in the third - the result, which brought your actions.
  3. Good help to relieve negative emotions of physical activity, how you feel fury - go for a run or swing the press.
  4. If you absolutely need to throw out anger, do it in proud solitude and in inanimate objects. Break up the plate, break anything, tap the wooden box with a hammer, beat the pillow, loudly scold everyone who annoys you.
  5. Learn to translate the conversation. As soon as you begin to get angry, save yourself and your companion from fits of rage, switching to neutral topics.
  6. Also, do not forget about proper nutrition - spicy food and alcohol can intensify the manifestations of aggression.
  7. Not bad help from nervousness infusions of medicinal herbs - valerian, leaf of wild raspberries, chamomile, hawthorn, peppermint and many others.

In the event that no methods help and the fits of rage continue to be uncontrollable, it is worthwhile to consult a specialist, only he will help to find the true causes of angry outbreaks and cope with them.