The biological clock

It is believed that the average life expectancy of a person is 90 years. And every day people try to change statistics and extend this age. So why is it that some people feel young and full of strength at the age of 60, while others already feel 20 old and old at 20? The whole fault of the biological clock - laid in each of us, is our individual daily routine, which often do not coincide with earthly time.

How to know your biological clock?

To prolong youth and improve the overall state of your health, you need to know how to calculate a biological clock in order to do this, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. To learn how to listen to your biological clocks in the first place, you need to become a harmoniously developed personality, that is, be able to adapt in different environmental conditions. This will help you not only adjust the organ's biological clock, but also avoid many chronic diseases.
  2. The biological clock of a person reacts to all external unfavorable factors, whether it is stress, depression or chronic fatigue is not important, the main thing is that all these factors cause them to go faster, which leads to an imminent death. In order to avoid a quick death, you need to devote enough time to rest.
  3. Listen to your inner world and live in harmony with it, then the body will allow you to spend the hidden internal reserves.
  4. Create your daily routine and strictly adhere to each item. Eat in specially designated hours, go to bed on time and wake up at the same time. This will help to synchronize all the cells in your body, and they will begin to work in a single rhythm.
  5. In order to feel your internal biological clock there is a special exercise. Do it in the evening lying on the bed. So, close your eyes and stretch on your back, mentally examine yourself from head to foot. Relax and feel the heat inside you, relaxing the muscles that are strained over the day, breathe smoothly and not deep.

This procedure should be done daily and then very soon you will begin to feel not only your body, but also the biorhythms by which it lives.

Nutrition for biological clocks

Do you know that food also has its own biological clock? And if you adhere to the right biological rhythm, then the food you take will be fully absorbed and will become really useful for the organism.

However, everything described above is just a description of the human biological clock in order to learn how to manage your own internal time, you need to give proper attention to sleep, rest and eating. And if you do everything right, your biological age will always correspond to the real one.