Autumn color scheme

Women with red hair color in our latitude is not so much. They are very gentle, sensual and refined. And if it says about what color type the owners of the fire head of hair belong, then this is undoubtedly "autumn". This is a fairly rare, but easily recognizable type.

Autumn Woman

Happy owners of a rare type are identified by the skin, which can have a peach, yellow-beige, pink-beige and bronze tone. Natural blush on the face is usually absent, but most women have freckles that give them a special color. The color of the eyes is mostly closer to the dark: it is a quads-green and amber-brown, but there are also girls with green-blue eyes. The characteristic color of the hair is the main sign of the autumn color - it is usually golden chestnut, bronze, copper-chestnut copper-brown, and, of course, red.

Autumn color-like appearance and clothes

In order to look beautiful and effective, the stylists recommend choosing the appropriate shades. Because, you choose your color or not, it depends, will play your natural colors or the image will fade.

Since autumn is associated with comfort, warmth, naturalness and luxury, the color palette must meet these criteria. Shades should be soft and saturated, or warm and dull. For example, it looks good on autumn women red-brown, golden-beige, dark chocolate, olive, khaki, pistachio, salmon, coral. From cold shades, it is worth paying attention to plum and violet.

Having an inner charm and beauty, close in spirit to the woman-autumn, the most suitable are such styles as folklore, country and safari .

As for the makeup for the autumn color, it should only emphasize the existing beauty, giving a touch of romance and elegance. The base base should consist of warm tones - beige, peach or transparent. It is desirable to put a powder colorless.

Choosing eye shadow, remember that nature has awarded you with an expressive eye color, so you can do with ordinary mascara during the day, and for evening and holiday make-up you can take advantage of such shades as emerald green, golden, peach, lilac, copper brown, bronze and lavender. But cold calm tones should be avoided.

Lipstick and lip gloss should also match your type, which means being warm shades.