Marine language is good and bad

Marine language is the fish of the flounder. It has a softer taste than the flounder we know, and is considered very useful. However, in some cases, the use of sea language can result in unpleasant consequences.

Benefit and harm of the sea language

This fish is a dweller of the seas, and many useful substances are found in its composition.

  1. The fillet of sea language is the source of iodine, the main constituent of the thyroid hormones.
  2. This fish has a high content of potassium, an element regulating cardiac activity, and iron, which is part of hemoglobin.
  3. Marine language is rich in essential fatty acids, which normalize blood circulation and blood cholesterol levels , contribute to the improvement of heart function.
  4. Also the benefit of the sea language is the availability of a large number of vitamins. It contains vitamins A, B, C, PP.
  5. In addition, this fish contains some essential amino acids that our body needs to produce its own protein compounds.

Nutritionists recommend losing weight include dishes from this fish in your diet , because the calorie content of the sea language is quite low: 100 g contains only 88 calories. Marine language is a dietary product also because it is a source of protein, there is little fat in it, and carbohydrates are absent.

Can the marine language be harmful?

People who have an allergy to sea fish, it is better to refuse this sea language. Often marketers mislead customers, calling the language of the sea fish fillet pangasius - river fish, which in its chemical composition is somewhat different from the real sea language. Therefore, when buying carefully inspect the fish. The fillet of pangasius is narrow, and the fillet of the sea tongue is flat and broad, oval in shape.