Turpentine baths at home

Some methods of traditional medicine, which are used extensively by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, are becoming less popular today. But in vain, because the benefits of their application is really enormous. One of these folk remedies put aside to the background is turpentine baths. Perhaps the name of the procedure sounds a little strange, but the effect from it will strike you on the spot.

Turpentine bath solution

Turpentine is a natural remedy obtained from the resin of coniferous trees. This substance is quite actively used in folk medicine. The most common application of turpentine is for weight loss. In addition, the agent is often used to treat various diseases. Turpentine baths help with cellulite, promote the normalization of metabolism , have a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Why baths with turpentine are considered the most effective? It's simple: the fact is that so the substance can freely be absorbed directly into the skin throughout the body. This allows you to improve blood circulation, which, in turn, will have a beneficial effect on the work of the whole organism.

After a turpentine bath, the well-being improves immediately. The procedure allows to restore motor activity effectively. With all this, the main active substance is practically harmless.

How correctly to take turpentine baths?

Since a turpentine bath, even if cooked at home, is a medical procedure, taking it, one must adhere to certain basic rules. Of course, if you break the recipe, then nothing terrible will happen, but you will not benefit from the bath as much as you would like.

So, let's talk about everything in order: preparing a bath solution is an important step in the procedure. To do this, you first need a yellow or white turpentine bath solution. Before the first procedure, no more than 25 ml of turpentine fluid should be added to the bath. Subsequently, you can gradually increase the dosage, but it is important not to overdo it, the maximum permissible amount of the substance is 130 ml.

Each procedure for taking turpentine baths at home can be conditionally divided into three stages:

  1. The first step is to properly prepare the bath. The water temperature at the beginning of the procedure should be at 36 ° C. To control this indicator, a thermometer should be placed on the bottom. It is important that the bath is not filled to the brim.
  2. Stage two - directly taking a bath. Throughout, you need to add hot water, gradually raising the bath temperature by a degree. Do this once a couple of minutes. From what turpentine you have chosen, the basic features of bathing depend. In a bath with white turpentine, the maximum water temperature can not exceed 39 ° C, with a yellow water - 42 ° C. Lying in the water, you need to try to completely relax.
  3. The procedure ends when a perspiration appears on the face. To control this, you can take a mirror into the bathtub. After the appearance of sweat, you can go to the third stage - rest. To the bath this stage of the relationship no longer has, but for the effectiveness of the procedure it is important (as well as the correct preparation of a turpentine bath). You have to rest while lying down, wrapped in a warm blanket to get a good sweat. On vacation should be allocated at least an hour. Warm herbal tea with raspberries at this stage will be very handy.

Before you start taking turpentine baths at home, it is important to read the main contraindications to this procedure:

  1. Take a bath can not be people who are under the influence of alcohol.
  2. It is not recommended for hypertensive patients and people with infectious diseases.
  3. A turpentine bath can be taken only six months after a heart attack or stroke.