Is there a parallel world?

Since ancient times people were wondering if there is a parallel world. Since that time, a lot of legends, myths, and also testimonies of different people that concern this topic have accumulated. The parallel world is a certain kind of reality that exists simultaneously with our time, but at the same time is independent.

Are there parallel worlds?

To date, there are several evidences that are used by people who believe in the theory of parallel worlds:

  1. Interesting finds . For many years people have found artifacts that do not fit into the history of mankind. For example, in London was found a hammer, which, according to scientists, appeared when there were no reasonable people on the planet.
  2. The mystery of dreams . The existence of parallel worlds many people associate with dreams , which are still a mystery. There is an opinion that when a person falls asleep, he travels to other worlds.
  3. Other measurements . There is a version that there is a fifth dimension, which is accessible only to people who have extrasensory talents and engaged in spiritual practices. Many believe that it is from there and penetrate into our world strange creatures.
  4. Paranormal phenomena . Throughout the world, there is a huge amount of evidence that people have seen how furniture moves, heard voices, and saw the silhouettes of deceased friends and relatives. There is also the opinion that after death people get into the parallel world , where they come from in ordinary life.

Scientists continue to expand their capabilities, applying different learning methods to answer different questions, including the existence of other worlds. An example is the hadronic collider, whose tests yielded results incompatible with conventional physics.