House in the apartment - signs

Unfortunately, many rituals and beliefs from the past have been lost. A few decades ago, each family believed and worshiped the house-guard, as the keeper of the home. The invisible owner was brought food, celebrated his birthday and always treated him with respect. Currently, not many believe in its existence, but you have a great opportunity to make sure it is in the house or not.

Signs of a brownie in the apartment

Initially, it is worth mentioning that such evil spirits are good, and it helps to fill the house with positive energy. If you started to notice that something incredible and strange is happening, it means that you have angered the householder and he, thus, points to his own discontent. To date, it is impossible to say how he looks. Psychics who see the unattainable for the average person, argue that the brownie is a certain bunch of energy. In simple words, it is impossible to say with 100% accuracy that he is a small bearded grandfather, as many describe and depict him.

The main signs of a house in the house:

  1. Basically, the invisible spirit manifests itself exclusively in the night time period. Hear how he moves after 12 hours and it will happen, most likely in the kitchen.
  2. House lovers like sweets, so they often tidy left on the table with sweets or cookies. If you started to notice how the food disappears completely from the table - a sign of the presence of a brownie.
  3. As we have said, the invisible master is responsible for the welfare of the house. If he is to you, it will be noticeable that without much effort the dwelling remains clean for a long time. You can be sure that this helps the brownie.
  4. If this spirit is guarded, then you can not be afraid of darkness and loneliness . Sleep will be strong, as it will protect from any negative.
  5. The obvious signs of a brownie are quiet and calm in the house. As you know, drums do not like quarrels and scandals, so they often "smooth out sharp corners" on their own. People, in whose house such a spirit lives, rarely quarrel, and if the conflict has occurred, then it is quickly forgotten, and the relations are being adjusted.
  6. You can learn about the presence of a brownie thanks to the behavior of domestic animals, primarily cats. They often look at one point - a clear sign of the presence of a brownie in the apartment. Cats often communicate with spirits, for example, grumble or meow for no reason at all.
  7. If the householder is offended or simply wants to get attention, he can start hiding things. Probably, every person at least once in life lost an object, and then found it in a completely unexpected place. All this is a manifestation of the barrel. He can also throw utensils, throw garbage, etc. for punishment.
  8. People who live next door to the house are often seen with prophetic dreams . Thus, the spirit helps and supports.
  9. On the discontent of the barrel may indicate the burnout of a light bulb and frequent breakdown of equipment.

How to make friends with a brownie?

If you move to a new dwelling, the invisible master does not like you or you somehow were guilty, you need to know how you can achieve its location. There are several effective recommendations to cope with this problem:

  1. As we have already said, the brownie likes sweets, which means, regularly treat him. Never leave the table in the kitchen empty, as this is a sign of disrespect. The best treats: honey, milk, biscuits and sweets.
  2. Before you go to bed talk to the brownie. Wish him a quiet night, if something hurts, then ask for advice, in general, show interest in him.
  3. Do not like house swearing and drunkenness, so try to exclude it from your life.