How to call the Devil?

The devil's ritual is a significant component of black magic, but it is not recommended to conduct it to beginners. This essence personifies all the worst and darkest things in the world. Almost all the rituals about the summoning of the devil represent the conclusion of a certain transaction, according to which a person will have to return his own soul in return.

The basic rules of how to summon the Devil

There are several main recommendations that must be fulfilled without fail:

  1. Do not start the ritual, if you experience, at least some doubts or fear . All this can anger the Devil and lead to serious consequences, including death.
  2. Think about what exactly you want in return for your soul. Make serious wishes, for example, wealth, health, etc.
  3. It is necessary to call the forces of darkness in solitude, as other people can seriously suffer.
  4. If the ritual does not work out, then some manage to get clues how to cause the devil in a dream. It is in this state that it is best to connect with other worlds and different entities.
  5. It is better to make a deal for at least 20 years, since the soul is still given.

How to call the devil at home?

Option number 1 . The room where you will conduct the ritual, it is necessary to close the key. Take 13 candles and arrange them in a circle, but on the contrary, put a mirror. Pronounce the real spell 13 times to summon the Devil:

"I cry to you about, the great master of Darkness and the master of the Night. Come and fulfill my request. "

During this, light the candles. After the caller must feel the presence of otherworldly forces. This will be expressed by pain in the chest, a feeling of cold and other abnormalities from the normal state. If this does not happen, then it is necessary to start the blood to make a personal emphasis on the rite. Another recommendation for increasing the strength of the ritual is to read the spell in Latin. After the deal is concluded, the Devil will leave, this will be indicated by the fact that the candles have gone out.

Option number 2 . There is another ritual that will make it possible to conclude a contract with the Devil. To do this, it is necessary to take a new knife and cut off a young wild vine vine. Do this at sunrise with the first rays of the sun. To lead the ritual is in an abandoned room and best of all in the church. On the floor, draw a triangle, and in each corner write the names of the saints: Jesus, the Virgin Mary, Nicholas the Sinner or others. Stand in the center of the figure, holding a branch in your hand, pronounce the spell to summon the Devil:

"I'll call the sirens from the sea. And you, the demons of hell - Lilin come out of the desert. And you, Demons - Shedim, and dragons from the forests. "

There are reports that demons come easily, but again sending them back is not easy. There are several recommendations that allow us to protect ourselves from the negative influence of the devil:

  1. Draw a triangle in 3 circles, as these figures are better protected from the negative.
  2. The names of saints must be written on the outer and inner boundaries of the circle. Thanks to this, the Devil can not go beyond the boundaries of the figure.
  3. After the contract is signed it is necessary to send it back and for this purpose say the following words: "We have concluded a contract with you, and we will follow it, and now I let you go so that you leave without harming anyone. Go, in peace . "

How can you summon the devil to achieve wealth?

This rite was used by members of the Order of the Knights Templar and Illuminati. Conduct the ritual in silence on the 13th from 12-00 to 3-00. You need to have a wooden box, and on its cover a skull must be drawn. In it place artifacts, whose role is played by totems made of black or mahogany. The main totem should depict the Devil and have the shape of a skull with horns. Another 3 small figures should embody demons. For the ritual it is necessary to have 5 ritual knives, which are stored separately in black velvet:

Even for the ritual, such items will be needed: a piece of rock crystal, an amulet on a cord in the form of an inverted pentagram in the circle and a knife-rod with a handle made of bamboo.

Now let's move on to the ritual. Put an amulet around your neck and lay out the totems, the crystal and the knife-rod in the form of a cross. First, put the knife with the blade down, the crystal and the main totem on top, and below, and on the sides, place the totems of the demons. Two small knives place the blades up between the totem of the demon and the Devil on both sides. Then in the mirror direction from the small ones, place two large knives with the blade down between the totems of the demons and the knife-rod. It remains to put the knife-key blade up above the main totem. If you did everything correctly and the objects came up to each other, then the crystal should start to glow slightly blue. It will be a signal that the Devil has got in touch, and one can mentally make a wish regarding the material situation. You can ask for any amount. When the crystal goes out, you can disassemble the artifacts, but only in the reverse order.