Peanut sauce

Nuts are a valuable product that is widely used in cooking. Different types of nuts are added to confectionery, salads, various snacks. Very nutritious sauces are very tasty and spicy to taste, which are served to dishes from poultry, meat, they also season salads and simply make sandwiches from a loaf, sauce and any additional components.

The recipes of sauces offered by us are different to taste, but each of them can serve as a wonderful seasoning for dishes. How to make a delicious nut sauce, having at your disposal the most traditional products, you will learn from this article.

How to prepare the products for the nut sauce?

Preparing the sauce, we first prepare the basis - nuts. Any nuts that are chosen by you according to the recipe and your preferences, it is necessary to grind into small crumbs or to grind to the state of flour. The resulting nut mass is diluted with broth, cream or water. Be sure to use greens and spices when preparing the sauce, which will make the seasoning complete and original taste.

Sauce from walnuts



Crush the blender with nuts, boiled yolks, garlic, pour in butter, add breadcrumbs and mustard. All the time, whip the mass in small portions pouring in the vinegar, while trying to ensure that the sauce is not excessively sour to taste. At the end, add soy sauce, pepper and salt to the mass. The consistency of walnut sauce should resemble mayonnaise.

Creamy nut sauce



Bring the cream to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Add the cream cheese, stirring, so that a homogeneous mass is obtained. Grind garlic and nuts with a blender. Mix the nut and cream ingredients, add the vinegar, hops-suneli, salt and pepper. The sauce has a pleasant spicy-spicy taste.

Nut-garlic sauce



Soak the bread in the milk to make it swell, then wring out and whisk with a whisk or a mixer. Grind the nucleoli of the nuts and mix them with the soaked white bread. Add grated garlic, pour lemon juice and butter, pour the milled greens, salt and pepper. Garlic sauce with a nut is ready!

Nut-sesame sauce

This sauce in the culinary recipe reference books is also called "Chinese nut sauce".



Peel nut and peel. Grind garlic and greens. Mix all the ingredients until smooth, add the greens at the very end.

The sauce has a delicate sesame flavor and is a good seasoning for shish kebabs, lyulya-kebab and chicken.

Of course, now it is not a problem to buy a ready-made sauce in supermarkets, but if you get acquainted with the ingredients of the seasoning printed on the label, you will see that the composition necessarily includes preservatives, thickeners and additives with the letter E. If you do not want to use harmful components, then sauces prepared with your own hands - what you need!