Sliding doors with own hands

Advantages of sliding doors in small apartments are obvious: they save the living space of the premises and are very convenient to use. Plus, they are safe for young children.

How to make sliding doors with your own hands?

  1. To install sliding doors into the wall with your own hands, you will need the following tools: level, square, ruler and roulette.
  2. Prepare a screwdriver, as well as a drill with drills.
  3. You will need a combined end saw and chisel.
  4. Do not do without mounting foam and a professional gun for working with foam.
  5. Also, you will need such simple tools as pliers, hammer, mallet.
  6. You may need an electric cutter and a milling cutter with a set of cutters.
  7. Installation of sliding doors with their own hands - the work is very dusty. In addition, there is a risk of damaging the floor covering with tools. Therefore, before starting repair work, cover the floor covering in order not to damage it.
  8. We measure the width and height of the opening with a tape measure.
  9. We measure the additional beam to the required length.
  10. Then saw off the additional beam according to the marked size.
  11. We collect all parts of the timber on a flat surface of the floor.
  12. We fix the whole structure with screws. Use a drill with a countersink to prevent cracks in the tree.
  13. The assembled additional beam is installed in the doorway, we check the correctness of the installation level.

Assembling sliding doors with your own hands:

  1. When the beam is installed, fill the space between the wall and the beam with mounting foam.
  2. We remove the spike between the crossbar and the edge of the box using a chisel.
  3. We measure the length of the side frames.
  4. We saw off the platbands in size.
  5. Cut the clypeus ridge.
  6. Install the side frames.
  7. We measure the size of the top clypeus.
  8. Cut it to size.
  9. We hang the upper clypeus.
  10. We install the stop bar for fixing the guide.
  11. We drill in the aluminum guide holes for fastening.
  12. We fix the aluminum guide to the stop bar with self-tapping screws. )
  13. Install the rollers in the aluminum guide.
  14. Unpack the door.
  15. We install the door on the butt.
  16. Remove the shipping slats and install the roller mount in the upper end of the blade.
  17. We hang the canvas on the rollers.
  18. We mark the place of installation of the plastic flag.
  19. Remove the door leaf.
  20. We fix the plastic flag with screws.
  21. Put the door on the checkbox.
  22. We hang the canvas on the rollers and tighten the fastener.
  23. We insert the stopper into the aluminum guide.
  24. We measure the width of the decorative beam.
  25. Saw the decorative beams to the desired size.
  26. We fix the corners to the top of the decorative bar. Usually the corners do not come with the door.
  27. Install the decorative beams, fix it with screws.
  28. We insert the door handle.
  29. Check the work of the door.

When you figure out how to install sliding doors with your own hands, you'll see that this is not difficult at all. On the second door you will take much less time.