Ladybird sat on the arm - a sign

Already from the title it is clear that people have always treated the Ladybug with special respect. There is one legend that says that this insect lives in the sky and flies it on the earth in order to give people the will of God. In addition, there are many different superstitions associated with it, for example, a common feature is the sign that the ladybird has sat on a person. The insect is considered a messenger of the Theotokos, and Catholics still consider him sacred. In ancient times, the Slavs were considered a messenger of the Sun.

Sign - the ladybird sat on her hand

Since ancient times people have noticed different events and details, looking for different patterns between them. As a result of this analysis, superstitions arose, many of which have survived to this day. Many signs have a connection with natural phenomena and the animal world. Ladybird has always been a source of joy for a person, and if she has flown into a house, a similar phenomenon is considered a blessing. Many believed that this insect is a person's guard against various misfortunes and problems. Hence, probably, and went the tradition to make various decorations in the form of ladybirds, which are some kind of talisman.

Signs about the ladybug:

  1. If an insect village on hand is a good sign, promising the approach of big luck, and also you can count on the fulfillment of the cherished dream. You can not throw off an insect, because people think that it is so possible to lose luck. You can wait for it to fly away, or make a wish and lightly blow it, so that the ladybug carries with it a dream that will bring its realization closer.
  2. Another sign is that the ladybird has sat on clothes on the shoulder or on another part of the body, it says that one can expect pleasant surprises from a loved one. Perhaps, soon you will receive an unexpected gift or learn good news.
  3. If The ladybird sat on her head, moreover, she was entangled in her hair, which meant that soon she would be honored, respected and beautifully placed in society. Do not brush the insect from the hair. Another similar situation may be a harbinger of promotion on the career ladder.
  4. The happiest sign is an insect that has exactly seven spots. If such a ladybird has sat on any part of the body, then you should expect an incredible and happy turn of fate .

There is also an opinion that the significance of all will change if a yellow ladybug is planted on the body, which is poisonous. In this case, all positive interpretations turn into negative ones.