Narrative anise drops from a cough

Folk medicine has learned about the beneficial properties of ammonia-anise drops for a long time. Recognize this tool and adherents of traditional methods of treatment. The best ammonia anise drops help cough. They are so effective that they can easily compete with most modern, expensive means.

Composition of ammonia anise drops

Nashatno-anise drops are a unique combined expectorant. A huge advantage of it - in its naturalness. This preparation of vegetable origin, which includes:

A simple but very effective remedy is considered almost harmless and can be used even for treating cough in the youngest patients.

Use ammonia-anise drops can not only cough. This tool has other useful properties:

If you apply ammonium anise drops during a cold, recovery is much quicker. The medicine can alleviate the condition of the patient even in the most severe forms of the disease.

How to take ammonia-anise drops?

Namatyr-anise drops are prescribed for the treatment of cough of different origin. Most often, the remedy is prescribed for such diagnoses:

Drops can be used as an independent medicine or, combined with other medicines.

The dosage and application of ammonia anise drops for each patient are selected individually. According to the same scheme of admission, the patient should drink 10-15 drops three to four times a day.

Take ammonia-anise drops in their pure form can not be in any case. They contain alcohol, and therefore even a small amount of the product can burn the mucous membrane. It is best to dilute the drops in the water. If desired, they can be mixed with a small amount of sugar.

Moist-anise drops can be used for inhalations. It is best to add them to the nebulizer.

Although this medicine is considered as safe as possible, there are some contraindications to its use:

  1. Nashytno-anise drops are contraindicated to people suffering from gastritis or peptic ulcer.
  2. It is very not recommended to take a remedy for those patients whose work requires increased attention.
  3. To choose a softer drug costs pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  4. With care, ammonia-anise drops should be taken to people who have liver problems. They can harm alcohol abusers.
  5. Doctors advise to wait with treatment for craniocerebral injuries.

Since ammonium anise drops contribute to liquefaction and excretion of sputum, they can not be drunk simultaneously with medications that suppress cough.

Analogs of ammonia anise drops

Absolutely identical to ammonia-anise drops do not exist. But, if necessary, they can be replaced with such drugs: