Bear oil - medicinal properties and contraindications

Bear as a hunting trophy has been valued from ancient times among the inhabitants of Tibet, China, Siberia and Buryatia, and these people knew that the value of this animal has not only meat. Skins were used for warming dwellings and as clothing, and paws and bile for treatment. The medicinal properties of bear fat were also of interest, as will be discussed in this article, as well as the contraindications of this product.

Composition and healing properties of bear oil

As you know, all summer the animal is stocked with the necessary nutrients, and with the arrival of colds it hibernates. To survive a long winter to him and allows a layer of subcutaneous and interior fat, which supports the normal life of the body. The composition of bearish fat and its properties are incredibly extensive. It contains vitamins A , E, B, minerals - iron, calcium, potassium, copper, phosphorus, zinc, sodium, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids, cytamins, panaxosides, glycosides, nucleic acids, amino acids, etc. About vitamins and minerals in short we can say that they are necessary for maintaining normal vital activity of the body.

Polyunsaturated acids, which are not produced independently, but enter the body only from the outside, are of great importance for the cardiovascular system of a person, reducing the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and preventing the development of atherosclerosis. Citamins are complexes of proteins and nucleic acids, which have high antioxidant activity. They normalize metabolic processes in the body, restore protective mechanisms and prevent the development of a variety of pathologies. Panaxosides - activators of nitric oxide synthesis normalize the hormonal balance, increase the resistance of the body to stress and endurance for physical and mental loads.

Application of medicinal properties of bear oil

The product is widely used for medical purposes for:

  1. Treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Dosage for small children - 1 tsp. per day, adolescents - 1 dess. l. per day, and adults can use 1 tbsp. l. In addition, fat is advised to rub the chest and back, as well as feet.
  2. Treatment of skin diseases. Useful properties of bear fat give grounds to use it as a first aid in frostbite. They are rubbed with scratches, wounds, ulcers and pressure sores. Used as a compress, which should be changed twice a day.
  3. Maintenance of the body in the period of acute diseases, after the operations, with unbalanced and depleted nutrition.
  4. Treatment of pain in the joints and muscles. It is accepted to rub the fatty place with fat.
  5. Treatment of diseases of the digestive tract - ulcers, gastritis . Fat envelops the walls of the stomach and fights with inflammation.

Application of the properties of bear fat in cosmetology and contraindications

First of all, the fat of this animal is used to protect the skin of the face and hands in frosty weather, but in addition it is actively included in masks and face creams to improve its condition, increase elasticity and elasticity, wrinkle control. A good nourishing face cream is obtained from this product and broth of rose hips. Including fat in the composition of hair masks, you can achieve their radiance, make it stronger, thick and silky.

Contraindications include pregnancy and lactation. Do not give fat to children under the age of 3 years. In addition, there is always a risk of allergy and individual intolerance, and obese persons should consult a doctor before using, as well as those who take medicines that give a heavy load to the liver.