Rhubarb - useful properties

Sour juicy grass - just a godsend for any mistress. You can cook jam from rhubarb. From this herb is a great filling for pies, and also it is used for making candied fruits, salads and smoothies. Some people do not like the taste of the plant, but the rhubarb should be included in its diet, because its useful properties far exceed its taste qualities.

Herbal composition of rhubarb

Food is eaten with petioles, root and young leaves of rhubarb. All the medicinal properties of this plant are manifested due to those substances that are in its composition. The rhubarb contains such vitamins as:

In addition, the composition of rhubarb are such macronutrients:

Useful properties of rhubarb

The rhubarb plant has many useful properties. Its root is a strong laxative. It also has a choleretic effect, can relieve hemorrhoids and helps with the appearance of cracks in the rectum. When eating small amounts of rhubarb root, it exhibits astringent properties and will help normalize the functioning of the intestine.

Use this herb and as a strengthening agent for tuberculosis. For these purposes, rhubarb harvested in autumn:

  1. The rhizomes are washed.
  2. Clean them and cut into pieces.
  3. Then the rhubarb is dried in special dryers at a temperature of 68-78 degrees.

Rhubarb leaves also have beneficial properties. They have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, if you make them compresses, mixing the leaves with flour from barley. And lotions from them help even with:

If you prepare salads from rhubarb according to different recipes, its useful properties will appear brighter, because you will eat the leaves in fresh form. So, fresh dishes from the greenery of this plant:

This vegetable has a beneficial effect on the work of the kidneys.

If the rhubarb leaves brew and insist, then you will get a remedy that restores your eyesight and helps to get rid of the thorns on the eye.

Use the root and stems of this herb and as a general restorative if you need to cure vitamin deficiency or increase the body's resistance to negative environmental factors.

Jam from rhubarb stalks is very useful for eating with diseases of the respiratory system.

Beneficially affects the use of this plant on the external condition of the skin and nails. If you make lotions from its leaves, you can get rid of the white spots on the body, called vitiligo.

Brew this vegetable plant, safely apply it as a conditioner. In just a few applications you will see that the hair will become more silky and shiny.

Contraindications to rhubarb consumption

Despite the fact that the rhubarb has so many useful properties, there are contraindications to it. These include:

During the gestation period, the beneficial properties of the rhubarb may show itself differently, so pregnancy is contraindicated to this plant.