Aloe for cough - prescription

The medicinal value of a house plant aloe is known to everyone, but not every woman knows how to properly prepare effective means from it. For example, having aloe leaves, you can forget about buying expensive tablets or cough syrups . In the pulp of the plant contain components that help liquefy and excrete mucus that accumulates in the bronchi, as well as B vitamins, ascorbic acid, retinol, vitamin E. You just need to learn how to use aloe from cough - the recipe for a curative home remedy is surprisingly simple, minimum time and effort.

How to get aloe juice for use from a cough?

Before starting the preparation of drugs, you need to make sure that several conditions are met:

  1. The plant should be 3 years old or more.
  2. Leaves must be torn from below, most fleshy, but fresh.
  3. Do not store raw materials, useful properties of aloe are quickly lost when in contact with air.

If the listed items are met, it is easy to get the juice - just thoroughly wash the leaves, grind them (any way), and squeeze the liquid through the cheesecloth.

How to make cough medicine from aloe?

The simplest means is a mixture of plant juice with honey.

The recipe for the mixture


Preparation and use

Mix the ingredients. Drink 1,5 teaspoons of the drug 3 times a day. Store the mixture for no more than 12 hours.

Another cough medicine with aloe helps even from serious respiratory tract diseases (tuberculosis, pneumonia ).

Prescription means


Preparation and use

Heat oil and fat on a weak water bath, melt them. Mix the ingredients with cocoa, honey and aloe. Eat for 1 tbsp. spoon of the product 2 times a day during tea drinking, you can also drink the medicine with warm milk.