Crafts on the theme "My City"

The joint creativity of the child with the parents contributes to the formation of trusting relationships, familiarizing the child with the surrounding world, traditions, rituals and holidays.

On the eve of the festive events, an adult can offer a child to make children's crafts for the city's day "My Favorite City".

The variety of materials used will help develop the child's fine motor skills and tactile perception. An article on "My City" can be created from plasticine, colored paper, corrugated cardboard.

Handmade "Cardboard City" with their own hands

To create a thematic gift to close people, you can make crafts made of paper and cardboard "City". To create such a city you need the following tools:

  1. It is necessary to take a thick cardboard and cut out the silhouette of the building from it. Thus it is necessary to create several houses.
  2. We draw the resulting pattern with a simple pencil in the middle.
  3. Draw with a pencil a small line near the main to the middle of the house. Cut out the resulting strip of cardboard.
  4. On some houses it is necessary to cut the middle from above the house or from below, since in the future the two parts will be connected together.
  5. We connect the two halves of the house.
  6. We draw a simple pencil on the house with the arrangement of windows and doors.
  7. We paint with acrylic paints both components of the house.
  8. We connect them with each other.
  9. Similarly, we make several houses of different thickness, height, width.
  10. We take a sheet of Whatman, draw a simple pencil marking the lawn, tracks.
  11. We color the paper with acrylic paints.
  12. We put the resulting houses on the sheet of Whatman.

You can make paper crafts with a child and create a city in the same way: first paint and paint the houses with paints, then cut and paste the lower part of the houses to a sheet of white paper.

Thus, in the process of creative activity, the child will form the whole importance and significance of such a festive event as the day of the city.