How to start breeding cats - breeding pedigreed cats as a business

Cats are the most popular pets and are especially valuable for thoroughbred species. To earn good money, you need to know how to start breeding cats. Such a business has a number of features that are worth considering in order to realize what has been conceived.

Breeding of thoroughbred cats as a business

To understand whether it is worthwhile to engage in the sale of animals, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons. Business on cats has such advantages:

  1. The case is affordable, as there is no need to make big investments.
  2. From the previous paragraph, we can conclude that the payback of such a business is fast.
  3. Demand for cats has not fallen for many years, and the love for exotic breeds grows annually.
  4. If you have the experience and knowledge, the process of breeding animals will be with minimal risks.

People who are interested in how to start breeding cats need to consider possible difficulties. To a greater degree this concerns the capriciousness and whims of some breeds. In order to engage in the sale of expensive breeds, it is necessary to organize proper care for animals, which will require capital investment. The shortcomings of such a business can be attributed significant time, and patience in the content of cats will be required.

Is it profitable to breed pedigreed cats?

If you approach business responsibly and meet all the necessary requirements, then you can count on a good and constant income. People who are interested in whether it is profitable to breed cats must know that the final amount depends on the breed chosen and the elite status of the animal. If you do advertising your kennel, then you can expand your business and earn large sums.

How to start breeding cats?

To open a breeding nursery, you need to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur on a simplified taxation system, since this is the optimal form of registration for this type of activity. When figuring out how to breed cats, the following points should be considered:

  1. In the house or in another room should be arranged a special area for the nursery. Focus on 15 cats and 6 cats should be 70 m2. Breeding cats at home allows the purchase of not more than a pair of animals.
  2. In the kennel, organize a full-fledged housing with several compartments. Heating, electricity and air exchange are mandatory. Buy need different accessories: couches, drinkers, toys and so on.
  3. Breeding thoroughbred cats includes mandatory registration of veterinary passports for pets and obtaining documents confirming the pedigree.

Who gives permission for breeding cats?

To engage in the sale of thoroughbred animals officially, it is necessary to join the club of cat lovers. Only through such organizations it is possible to register titles, get directions for matings, activate litters of kittens and register a nursery. Breeding cats through the club is good because it will be possible to quickly realize kittens. For entry, you must have a pedigree / cat's metric, application for entry and money to pay the fee. In some clubs, a compulsory examination of the animal is carried out.

Which cats benefit from breeding for sale?

Starting with exotic breeds is not recommended, because they are very demanding to care, painful and problematic. But if it does not frighten and interests, what cats are better for breeding for sale, then it's worth to stop on such options (prices fluctuate depending on the pedigree, and the cost of kittens in nurseries can exceed the average price by 10 times):

  1. Cote exot (exotic cat) . The most popular breed, which has an interesting appearance: a stocky body, expressive eyes and a flat muzzle. The price is from 100 $.
  2. Bengal breed . People are attracted by leopard color and golden, and chocolate shades of fur. The price starts from 400 USD.
  3. British breed . The most common cats that attract their soft plush fur and calm character. The price is from 100 $.
  4. The Maine Coon breed . Successful breeding of cats as a business will be when selling kittens of this breed, as they have recently become very popular. This is largely due to the huge size of the animal. They are attracted by their peace-loving and friendly character. The price is around 300 USD.
  5. Canadian Sphynx. The hairless breed, whose modern history began in Canada, although there is information that these cats lived during the Incas and Aztecs. The price is from 100 $.
  6. Devon Rex . An interesting short-haired breed, the feature of which are huge ears, elegant, fragile body and curly hair. The price is from 100 $.
  7. Scottish Fold . Features of this breed - an interesting structure of the auricles, as a result of the gene mutation. The price of a kitten with a good pedigree from 200 cu.
  8. Persian cat . Not so long ago (2012-13), this cat was in the lead in the world popularity rating, now the positions have fallen a little, but this breed remains at the peak of demand. The price is from 70 $. depending on the pedigree and color.