Exercises for the press on the bench

It is unlikely that there will be a person who would refuse to have a flat stomach. And the possibilities for achieving this "limit of dreams" are different, but the most effective way to get a flat and pumped up stomach are exercises for the press on an incline bench. The reason for success lies in the position of our body: in the horizontal plane more muscles of the hips are straining, and in the oblique - there is an ideal opportunity to pump straight muscles of the press. If you are interested in how to pump the press on the bench, read the basic set of exercises.

  1. IP: lying on the bench, knees bent and fixed in the holder, hands behind the head in the lock, or closed on the chest. We make slow lifting of the whole body, after lifting - turn left and right, back to the FE.
  2. IP is the same. We lift only the upper part of the body, without the thoracic and lumbar region. For a few seconds we freeze in this position and return to the IP.
  3. IP - lying on the bench, hands holding on to the locks of the legs, and pulling the knees to the stomach.
  4. IP - as in exercise 3, we raise straight legs by 90 ° to the trunk.
  5. IP - sitting on the bench, feet under the bolsters of the leg fixator, hands behind the head in the lock. We lower the trunk back to 20⁰, at the same time we suture our back, touching only the waist to the bench. It is this exercise on the bench that is most energy-intensive, the maximum tension is reached in the press.
You can complicate exercise 1: this exercise is done on a bench with dumbbells. Hands are not behind the head, but are pressed to the chest, in the hands we hold dumbbells. Doing a right turn, straighten the left hand, making a left turn - the right one. All the exercises are done 10 times, for 2-3 approaches. That's the whole theory, now forward swing the press on the bench! The maximum effect is achieved with a combination of strength training (2 times a week) with running (3 times a week), the remaining two days you should be free from physical exertion, allowing rest and recovery of both the muscles and the nervous system.