Exercise "Lodochka"

In most people, the most problematic area on the body is the abdomen and back area. Many torture themselves with a lot of different exercises that do not give the desired effect. Many trainers and doctors say that the most effective and useful is the "Boat" exercise, which will help in the realization of the dream of a flat stomach and a thin waist, and also it will in addition strengthen the muscles of the back . This exercise is considered a very difficult kind of training, although on the other hand its performance will bring many benefits to the entire body and help to cope with back problems.

Exercise "Boat" - benefit

This type of training is recommended for everyone, regardless of age and sex, but in medicine it is prescribed to people who have problems with their back. The main advantage is the acquisition of a correct posture that will not only raise your self-esteem, but also that will significantly strengthen the muscular corset.

The exercise of the boat on the press acts as follows: the muscles of the abdominal press are strengthened, the correct position of the umbilical ring is restored, the area of ​​the solar plexus is strengthened. Displacement of the umbilical ring is one of the main reasons for the appearance of fat deposits in the waist region.

Exercise the boat for the back brings great benefit. Back is a complex mechanism of interlacing bones, muscles and nerve endings. During our everyday movement, we sometimes put to it impossible tasks that lead to sad consequences. Performing an exercise boat for the spine will help get rid of curvatures, reduce pain in osteochondrosis, increase joint mobility and the development of cartilaginous tissue.

Other bodies also receive pleasant bonuses:

The main task, which requires a decision before the start of training, is to learn to strain and relax the muscles of the back, and only after full mastering this can begin training.

How correctly to do the exercise boat?


Initial posture: Sit on your back, hands should be well pressed against the body. Elbows must not touch the floor. The legs are also completely flat, tightly pressed together. Now start diaphragmatic breathing , which you need to repeat several times. Before moving to the basic posture, pull in the belly and hold your breath.

The basic posture: lift legs on 30-40 sm, thus knees to not bend. The trunk needs to be lifted to a similar distance, as if trying to reach for the legs. Your whole body should rest on the buttocks only. To obtain the full effect, freeze in this position for a few minutes, then slowly return to the starting position. After a short pause, repeat several times.

Boat on the contrary

Initial posture: placing on the abdomen, arms and legs repeat the arrangement, as in the classical version.

The basic pose: simultaneously raise the legs and upper body, to an acceptable height, the weight holds on the pelvic bones and abdomen. In this position, stay for a few seconds and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat after resting several times.

Side boat

The initial posture: Sit on your side, stretch your legs and arms parallel to your body.

The basic posture: raise the limbs to a small height and stay in this position. Slowly sink to the floor, after a few minutes of rest, repeat.