Exercises for feet at home

To make legs slim and beautiful, you need to exercise, this will remove excess fat and pump muscle. You can do not only in the gym, but at home. There are simple exercises for slim legs that are important to perform according to existing rules. It is best to combine aerobic and power loads, which will give a good result. In a complex it is enough to include 5-7 exercises which should be carried out on 3-4 approaches, doing for 17-20 repetitions.

Exercises for feet at home

  1. Raskachka . This exercise allows you to warm up your muscles and bring them into tonus. Put your feet as wide as possible, and keep your hands in front of you, connecting them in the lock. Lean in one direction, bending the knee until it forms a right angle, while the other leg should remain straight. In doing so, you should try to remove the pelvis, as far back as possible. Lock the position for a few seconds, and then, return to the PI and repeat the exercise to the other side.
  2. Squats against the wall . A perfect isometric leg exercise, which also works on the gluteus muscles. Stand near an even wall and rest against it with your back, tightly pressing your spine. Fall down until the moment when a right angle is formed in the knee, and the hips do not reach the parallel with the floor. Stay in this position for as long as possible.
  3. Drops with a jump . You can, of course, carry out the classic version of the exercises, but to improve the result, it is best to supplement the attacks with a jump. This is a great exercise for those who want to lose weight . If desired, it can be performed with additional weight, picking up dumbbells. Take a deep step forward and sit down, but make sure that the knee does not go over the socks. It is important to draw in the belly and keep your back flat, bending forward slightly. From the accepted initial position on exhalation, straighten out, leaning on the front leg and immediately make a jump. During this, the knee of the hind leg is carried forward and the opposite arm lifted upward. After landing, immediately run backward.
  4. Putting your foot to the side . This exercise to strengthen the muscles of the legs is usually done standing on all fours. Put your hands so that they are slightly wider than the shoulders. Raise one leg over the side until parallel with the floor, while keeping the right angle in the knee. After fixing the position, lower the leg, but do not touch the floor.
  5. "Scissors" . This exercise, to lose weight legs, is known to many since school times and if it is properly performed, then it is possible to load the muscles of the legs well . Sit on your back and lift your legs up, and keep your hands near the body. Do "scissors", spreading your legs to the sides and bringing them together. This exercise gives a good load on the press.
  6. Makhi . The best exercises for the legs are swings that are best done with the load, for example, you can use special foot pads or sports gum. Mahi allow you to effectively work your hips. Stand by the chair and grasp the back. Lift your leg to the side, and then, take it back. Do not lower your foot to the floor, which will allow you to constantly maintain tension. It is important to do everything smoothly, without jerking.
  7. Sumo squats . Stand up straight, putting your feet wider than your shoulders and turning your feet outward. In the hands you can take a dumbbell and hold it in front of you so that during squats it passes between the legs. Inhale, squat before the hips reach the horizontal. Keep the pelvis as far back as possible. Do not keep your knees together and keep them in one plane with your toes. To rise stands on an exhalation.