Slimming coffee

Black coffee helps to lose weight because of a number of its properties. First of all, it accelerates the metabolism and speed of digestion of food in the gastrointestinal tract. Coffee has an easy laxative effect, helping to eliminate toxins and toxins. It also prevents the processing of glucose, thus causing the body to use stored fat to generate energy. For losing weight use green and black coffee. Green is cooked from non-roasted coffee beans, which gives the drink a rather specific taste. But this allows you to save chlorogenic acid. It is this acid that does not allow fat to be absorbed into the blood, splitting them in the intestines.

In the fried grains contains much more caffeine, also pyridine, phenolic compounds and vitamin PP . They break down fat cells, accelerate metabolism and are effective in the fight against cellulite.

What is the best slimming coffee?

Which coffee for weight loss is better: green or black is difficult to solve. Everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the goals of losing weight. If you want to speed up the metabolism and stimulate the breakdown of fats, then you will need green coffee. In the fight against cellulite, fried beans are better. However, black coffee because of the increased content of caffeine can have a negative impact on the nervous system, stomach and teeth.

In connection with the negative effect of increased caffeine content in roasted coffee beans, it is better to use ground black coffee as a scrub or wrap. Very useful against cellulite and slimming wrap with coffee and honey. When losing weight to save vigor and energy, you can use black coffee in small quantities. For better weight loss, make a day off only for coffee with milk. The main thing is how to use more milk. Its in the cup should be three quarters and only one quarter of the coffee.

There is a special type of coffee for weight loss, which is taken as an additive to food in the form of a drink. This coffee except caffeine contains additional components that actively fight fat cells and stimulate metabolism. Basically it is guarana, green tea, chicory and essential oils of grapefruit, bitter orange.

Recipes for slimming coffee

Make slimming coffee at home. To do this, you need to weld coffee with the addition of ginger, lemon or pepper. These additives will enhance the effect of caffeine, improve the water-salt balance in the body, stimulate the removal of toxins and toxins, activate the breakdown of fats.

Coffee with lemon slimming



With a lemon peel off, squeeze out the juice. In the ground coffee, add zest, pour water and lemon juice. Bring to a boil and remove from heat, then once again bring to a boil and remove from heat. Repeat 3-4 times. Drink small portions before or immediately after meals.

Coffee with ginger for weight loss



Add coffee, cloves to the water. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. Repeat 2-3 times, then add ginger. Let it brew. Coffee is ready.

Coffee with pepper for weight loss



Pour coffee, cinnamon and pepper into a Turkish, warm it gently and add 100 ml of water. Bring to a boil, remove from heat. So repeat two more times, adding 100 ml of water. You can add a little milk for the softness of taste. Sometimes the recipe uses red chilli, but with it you have to be very careful.