Rice noodles - good and bad

Rice noodles are one of the most common foods in China, Japan and Thailand, also called fucchosis. This noodle is often used as a basis for a variety of dishes. Since the harm and benefit of the product depends on the composition, and the rice noodles are made from the favorite cereal in Asia, the fucose has many positive qualities.

What is useful for rice noodles?

In countries where rice noodles are part of many dishes, it is considered a symbol of health and longevity. From the spectrum of vitamins, rice noodles are especially rich in B vitamins , which are extremely important for the normal functioning of the nervous system. But the vitamin E, which is often called "vitamin of beauty", actively struggles with aging, supports the elasticity of blood vessels, improves the permeability of cells for cells. No wonder the legendary "ninja" preferred rice noodles - it helped them to maintain youth, flexibility and strength.

Even in rice noodles you can find mineral components - iron, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, copper, selenium and others. All of them are needed for metabolic processes and beauty. Amino acids, which are also many in the funch, perfectly improve the work of the most demanding organ - the brain. And most of all in the composition of rice noodles complex carbohydrates - a universal source of energy for life.

Another useful property of rice noodles is not in the presence, but in the absence of one of the components of cereals. In rice there is no gluten - a protein, which is a strong allergen. Therefore, rice noodles are indispensable for people on a gluten-free diet .

Despite the high enough caloric content of rice noodles - 192 kcal per 100 g - this product is recommended for those who want to lose weight. If you cook a stuff with vegetables and seafood, you will get an excellent dietary dish that will give energy for sports, but will not add excess fatty deposits. But what you should not do is to chew rice noodles with oils and fatty sauces - this will dramatically increase the calorie content of the dish.