Oatmeal is good and bad

Oats - one of the most useful cultural cereals, which has been used by folk healers for hundreds of years. Oats contain so many useful substances that it is recommended for people with high blood pressure, for patients with digestive disorders, and for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory processes.

Under the gentle rays of the sun, the oats absorb all the best from nature. Its grains are rich in minerals, useful proteins, vitamins and fiber, and the stems contain anti-inflammatory ingredients. Therefore, oatmeal is indicated for various diseases and diets, and you will learn about the benefits and harms of this cereal below.

What is useful for porridge for our body?

  1. Oats are rich in Group B vitamins, which take care of the excitatory-inhibiting mechanisms of the nervous system, strengthen the vessels, are important for the myocardium, participate in the development of a unique substance called serotonin (positive emotions are produced under its action), are needed to build primary vessels when tightening wounds, that is are indispensable in regeneration processes. A huge contribution of thiamine (B1) and pyridoxine (B6) is noted in every metabolic process, riboflavin (B2) is needed by our skin to maintain tonus and elasticity.
  2. The phylloquinone (K1) contained in oats is necessary for coagulation, that is, it participates in the processes of blood clotting. Its importance for healing wounds is great.
  3. Vitamin F interferes with the deposition of cholesterol and fights with atherosclerotic plaques.
  4. Present in the grains of tocopherol (E) is a "builder" for the creation of female hormones, which are important for the proper functioning of the female reproductive system. It has this antioxidant action, under its protection, cell membranes are less prone to oxidation and death.
  5. A large number of rare amino acids from oats are needed for the body to produce unique proteins that are used by every cell of our body, but are especially necessary for the production of hormones and the work of nerve cells.
  6. A wide range of mineral substances increases immunity, helps to remove toxins and toxins.

What is oats useful for the body?

The use of oats, used for food, is multifaceted. Oats revealed many useful properties necessary for weight loss - it is rich in fiber, and, therefore, makes the intestines work more actively. With active peristalsis, fecal stones and slags are excreted from the gastrointestinal tract, while getting rid of such "ballast" inflammatory processes of the mucosa and villi are treated, they begin to absorb more nutrients. Thanks to this process, the metabolism is normalized, and the person successfully reaches a normal weight. It is important to note that fiber is similar in structure to a sponge that sucks toxins from the body and removes them.

Oats contain valuable pantothenic acid, which helps to break down foods when digestion. Its importance in the activation of metabolism is great, and the more active the metabolism, the more vitality and energy in a person and less fatty deposits.

A rich complex of vitamins and minerals also provides a kind of stimulus to increased metabolism in cells. People who eat oatmeal daily for breakfast feel a surge of strength and vivacity due to active metabolic processes.

Arguing, what is useful for oats for the liver is important to note that it contains vitamin F and K in large quantities. Vitamins of group K are necessary to protect the envelopes of hepatocytes (liver cells), also this vitamin participates in the production of procoagulants by the liver. Vitamin K helps in the formation of several hepatic enzymes that enter with the bile into the duodenum and break down fats to digestible fatty acids. Vitamin F compacts the walls of the liver cells and protects them from toxins.

The steamed oats have beneficial properties for the stomach - it envelops the walls and normalizes acidity. Active substances from cereals help to overcome inflammation, possess bactericidal action - scientists found that they suppress the growth of Helicobacter.

The harm of oatmeal

With excessive consumption of oatmeal, all the above mentioned beneficial properties can be crossed out, because the phytic acid contained in it cleanses the calcium from the body, which can lead to the most undesirable consequences.

If we talk about the analogue of porridge - oatmeal fast food, then the benefits of such a product, in practice, no. Vitamins disappear during processing, and useful properties for the digestive tract disappear.