Chemical peeling - before and after

Chemical peeling has recently become a very popular procedure. But before deciding on it, you need to weigh well all the pros and cons. First of all, you need to decide whether you are ready to sacrifice a week (and even more) of free time, without the possibility to go out. In addition, it is necessary to please the home with reddened face, from which the skin descends. Let's talk about how a person reacts to chemical peeling before and after the procedure, whether to expect a miracle effect, and what precautions should be taken.

What will the skin be after chemical peeling?

Depending on what kind of peeling you have chosen, you can solve various problems. Superficial peeling improves complexion and narrows the pores, struggles with fine wrinkles. The median has a more serious effect - removes freckles and pigmentation, scars, post acne, wrinkles. In addition, this procedure promotes the rapid regeneration of tissues, increases the production of collagen and, as a result, gives a good lifting effect. You will look younger for 5-10 years! But leaving after chemical peeling can take a lot of time and effort.

Recovery after chemical peeling involves several stages:

  1. Application of special products by a cosmetologist immediately after the procedure.
  2. Thorough and thoughtful skin care with the help of creams of different effects during the first week.
  3. Compliance with special rules to maintain hygiene and protect the skin from sunlight and pollution of the environment for several months after peeling.

You should be prepared for the fact that immediately after peeling, the skin of your face will turn very red. The procedure itself is quite painful and causes burning, as a result of the doctor's office you will come out with a strong irritation on the face. Depending on the sensitivity of the skin, it can:

The next day these symptoms will be slightly weakened, but the redness will not subside. But there will be a sensation of itching - it started the process of regeneration in the deep layers of the skin. After a while, the keratinized cells will begin to peel off, the skin will leave whole layers. Crusts can form. In no case should they be removed, as this may cause scars. Throughout the recovery period after chemical peeling, you should use creams and special aids that are prescribed by a cosmetologist. Chemical burn after peeling does not pass without leaving a trace, so you can additionally lubricate the skin with Panthenol . In a week your face will allow you to go out into the street, but now you need to look after it more carefully.

Further care after chemical peeling

After you become the owner of a clean, fresh, radiant skin after peeling, you need to cherish this treasure, as the apple of the eye. Sunscreen after chemical peeling should be used daily, even in cloudy weather. Its degree of protection must be at least SPF 50 . Try not to fall under direct sunlight without a hat with wide margins. You can go back to your usual care, but it's better if the cosmetologist doing the procedure will recommend you a gel for washing, a cream and a mask with a low acid content to prolong the effect of peeling.

If you decide to do chemical peeling, the preparation should include an analysis of contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to carry out a medial chemical peel at:

Also, peeling in the spring, summer and residents of countries with active sun can not be carried out throughout the year.

Surface peeling has almost no contraindications, and the recovery period after it takes one or two days, and deep peeling is a procedure that is on par with surgical intervention, it is performed under general anesthesia in specialized clinics. In the same place, the patient receives detailed instructions on further care of the face.