Honey face mask

Make masks for the face of all girls like. After they are removed, the skin takes a healthy color, becomes more tender, elastic. In specialized stores, masks are presented in a fairly wide range. But buying them is not necessary. You can prepare an excellent product in your home. Take, for example, a honey mask for the face. Honey perfectly combines with various ingredients and at least in small quantities, but is always at hand. And the time to prepare sweet masks takes quite a bit.

Useful properties of honey masks for the face

Masks based on honey are popular for a reason. They contain a huge amount of useful substances that favorably affect the skin:

In addition, masks with honey can be considered excellent antioxidants. They effectively smooth wrinkles, and also nourish the skin, penetrating into its deepest layers. Due to the fact that honey is able to retain moisture, the skin becomes elastic and very pleasant to the touch.

Honey Face Mask for Acne

Treatment of acne is another useful property of honey masks. There are many suitable recipes. You can experiment with each of them, but only on the condition that none of the components cause an allergic reaction:

  1. Very useful honey mask with the addition of Aspirin. To cook it, four tablets of acetylsalicylic acid, raspolkite in a tablespoon of water and add melted honey. The product will cleanse the skin and very effectively remove inflammation.
  2. A honey-lemon face mask helps fight acne. In addition to the main ingredients, it includes milk, yogurt and warm, purified water. All components are thoroughly mixed and superimposed on the face in several layers. After 10-15 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water.
  3. Excellent fights with pimples cucumber-honey mask. The vegetable is finely rubbed and poured into a glass of boiling water. After the product cools, honey is added and carefully mixed into it.
  4. Get rid of pimples and helps a mask of honey with tea tree oil.

Healthy honey masks for the face at home

There are even more recipes for nutritious and simply refreshing masks with honey:

  1. To moisturize the skin, a mask of honey with lemon and olive oil is suitable.
  2. Banana-honey facial mask is prepared with the addition of yolk and sour cream. The banana is thoroughly mixed, after which all other components are added to the resulting gruel alternately. Ideally, this product is suitable for dry skin.
  3. To quickly bring the skin in order you can use the so-called express mask. For cooking it is enough to mix honey and milk.
  4. Eliminates wrinkles honey mask for face with mint and grape juice. The greens are thoroughly crushed, mixed with honey and juice and applied for a quarter of an hour to the face.
  5. If desired, you can use pure honey as a mask.
  6. An excellent remedy is obtained from oatmeal. Honey-oat mask for the face removes dead cells and penetrates deep into the pores, cleaning them. It is prepared with the addition of yogurt or low-fat sour cream. The mask can also be used as a scrub.
  7. Masks with apple nourish and tone the skin. Prepare them simply: just mix the grated fruit with the melted honey.
  8. To prepare an egg-honey mask for the face, you need to separate the protein. After that, the main components are mixed, and a couple of tablespoons of flour is added.