Sleep postures and their meaning

Did you know that you can learn the character of a man in his sleep position? Yes, it is indeed possible, in any case, psychology asserts that there is a clear connection between the character of a person and the poses that he takes during sleep. This opinion has been confirmed clinically and is being tested in practice at the present time. Let's see what can be said about a person only by looking at him asleep.

Sleep postures and their meaning

Before beginning to interpret the postures of sleep, it is worth noting that only those positions that a person most often takes in a dream in which he spends most of the night matter. This should be taken into account because during the entire sleep a person can change several poses, turning over from side to side 25-30 times, and a restless person and up to 100 movements per night can commit. Therefore, it makes no sense to think what all postures in a dream mean. In addition, if you understand, then all the positions in which a person sleeps can be reduced to 2-3 basic postures of sleep, and that's their value and you need to find out.

In total, experts identify 4 main "sleepy" provisions.

  1. The "embryo" position. This position of the body on the side with bent legs and knees pulled up to the chin, hands hug the knees or pillow. Bed space is usually occupied in the upper corners, the face is turned away from the wall. What does this pose of sleep say? First of all, about the attempt to defend against the manifestations of the external world, it does not matter bad or good. So people are sleeping, experiencing a difficult period of life or those who are afraid to live. Such people have an acute need for a "core", a person who will protect and care for them. In life, such people are more or less dependent on a stronger person who guarantees security.
  2. Pose "half-embryo". The sleeper is also located on its side, but the position of the body is more relaxed - the legs are only slightly bent. Holidaymakers in this position are characterized by a balanced nature, rather pleasant in communication. You can rely on such people in business and in love, as they have developed such qualities as loyalty and honesty. They are able to adequately perceive criticism, and too aggressive attacks of acquaintances not to take to heart, easily forgiving resentment. But their patience is not unlimited - very angry, such a person will be really dangerous.
  3. Pose "prostrate". A man sleeps on his stomach, arms and legs are spread out, sometimes the body is located diagonally, in an attempt to win back even more bed space. What do these poses mean in a dream? They give out a man of authority who wants to rule over all. Such people are very demanding of their surroundings, they are often rude and conflict. Thanks to this character, their failures in their personal lives are literally pursued. Surprises usually do not like, wanting to control any situation. But people who choose such sleep poses have a quick reaction and are able to quickly find a way out of the most difficult situations. To successfully communicate with such a person, you need to have a lot of optimism and a good sense of humor, you also need to try to keep him informed on most issues, it will give him a sense of control over what is happening.
  4. The dream posture is "royal". A man is sleeping on his back, arms and legs are spread out, his body is relaxed. This position of the body speaks of high self-esteem, and often of over-hyped conceit. Such people think that they can cope with anything, but this is not always the case. These people are often infantile, so there should be an adult next to them, which will not allow them to get confused in case of difficulties, and will save them from disappointments. True, it will not be easy, because people sleeping in a royal pose are incredibly proud, and therefore they do not like to accept help.

Speaking about the postures of sleep and their meaning, it is worth remembering some points that can enhance them. For example, the posture of the embryo is aggravated if the person hides the ears in the dream under the blanket, and the head under the pillow. This pose literally screams about the desire to escape and hide from everyone.

The person swaddling in a blanket, most likely by nature shy. Sometimes such people manage to overcome themselves, but still every communication with a stranger is a serious test for them.

Correct posture for sleep

What do postures mean in a dream, we figured out, but which one will be the most correct from the point of view of medicine? Experts believe that this is a pose on the side, with the hands below the shoulder girdle. If you sleep, hiding your hands under the cheek, it contributes to poor blood supply to the hands and their leakage.

Pose on the stomach experts call the worst, because it hinders breathing, and neck tension increases the risk of osteochondrosis.

The posture on the back is also not considered favorable - it breaks the rhythm of breathing, provokes snoring and is known as the "pose of sudden death" due to stopping breathing.

But do not be afraid and force yourself to sleep in the right posture. Perhaps, because of the characteristics of your body "bad" pose for sleep, for you is the most optimal.