Green color in psychology

It has long been noted that there is a relationship between the character of a person and the flowers that he chooses and his mood, some colors are soothing, others can cheer up, there is even such a technique as color therapy . Perhaps the most interesting and multifaceted is green, its meaning in psychology is usually positive, but some shades may not have a very favorable effect on a person.

The value of green in psychology

The green eye is perceived by the human eye as the most favorable and calm, which is not surprising, because it is the color of nature itself, the color of spring and rebirth. He bears stability and peace, a man who chooses this color is ready for contemplation, tranquility and acceptance of universal wisdom. Such people tend to help others even to the detriment of themselves, they are secretive, but friendly, usually see both sides of the situation and can make the right decision, know how to suppress their authority, have high efficiency . In a negative sense, it is the color of despair and mute approval. But this is only a general characteristic, each of the shades of green has its significance and influence on man.

Thus, the rich tone of the needles indicates durability, strength and stability. Such shades are peculiar to people who are confident in themselves, have stable life positions. Delicate shades of moss and sage are soothing, and malachite and emerald shades indicate a craving for wealth and luxury. The blue-green shade is chosen by people who are extremely demanding of themselves. Green color with a large admixture of yellow has an exciting effect, it is chosen by people who are sociable, constantly looking for novelties. The brownish-green tint indicates sensual passivity.

The darker the green, the more closed the person. Color can have a positive effect on people with claustrophobia, neutralizes the effects of other colors, dissipates negative emotions, helps to concentrate, and also has a hypnotic effect.

Green color in clothes

Dressing in green people like calm and balanced, often phlegmatic, they have rational thinking and strive for self-control and inner harmony, they do not need to wait for heated arguments, to disrupt such people is quite difficult. A person who chooses a green color for their clothes, is unlikely to get involved in conflicts or try to prove their case by any means. Such people are usually educated and cultured, often very simplehearted and open to communication on any topic, but for all their ingenuity, they are cautious and not inclined to rash acts.

It is believed that green clothing is the best choice for negotiation, since this color helps to locate interlocutors. From the point of view of psychology, a man in green clothes is perceived as communicative and free. Cold (with a blue tint) green tint is able to calm and establish relationships with other people. And yellow-green clothes will cause a number of positive emotions.

The value of green eyes

Among all the colors and shades that color the iris, it is the value of the green eye color that has always been of greatest interest. Green-eyed beauties were credited with mystical abilities, and men with green eyes were considered knights.

Modern observers also attribute incredible honesty and loyalty to their emerald eyes. Such people do not throw words into the wind, but to other people they are usually generous and kind, until they cross the path. To greenguard enemies are also chivalrous, preferring to say everything in the eyes, than to act behind their back, and among the enemies can get and close people, because the offended owners of green eyes to forgive is very difficult. Principle and firmness in their decisions are another characteristic quality of people with green eyes. If we talk about love, then this feeling is regarded by most green-eyed people as something sacred, to which they will not allow anyone to encroach. Green-eyed are simply created for leading posts, they are persistent and make high demands on themselves and their subordinates.

Psychologists even consider people with green eyes to be the most successful, because they are good at listening and sympathizing, possessing good imagination, but they are quite stable.