Leukopenia - symptoms and treatment

Leukopenia - a decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood, as a rule, is a sign of some diseases, and only in rare cases manifests itself as an independent disease. Leukopenia can indicate the development of severe ailments associated with improper operation of the bone marrow. Failures in the production of leukocytes can be caused by oncological and viral diseases, serious congenital metabolic disorders, conducted by the course of chemotherapy procedures. In this regard, each adult person should have an idea of ​​the symptoms and methods of treatment of leukopenia.

Symptoms of leukopenia

Strictly speaking, there are no clearly expressed clinical symptoms of leukopenia. Suspicion should cause the following manifestations of ill health:

To establish the diagnosis, repeated laboratory blood tests are performed with counting the elements.

Treatment of leukopenia

Since leukopenia is usually a symptom of the underlying disease, therapy is aimed at treating this particular ailment. Therapeutic methods are determined by a specialist who monitors the patient's condition. The most effective is the combination of medicamental methods and traditional medicine.

Drug treatment of leukopenia

Drugs for the treatment of leukopenia are divided into groups:

  1. Means that stimulate the formation of blood cells and activate metabolic processes in the body (Leukogen, Methyluracil, Pentoxyl, Sargraimost, etc.) These preparations, obtained by genetic engineering, are primarily used to treat leukopenia that occurred after the course of chemotherapy.
  2. Antibiotics of a wide range of effects.
  3. Antihistamines.
  4. Corticosteroids .
  5. Getaprotectors.

In case of illness, it is necessary to increase the intake of vitamins and trace elements, especially vitamin B12 and folic acid.

With complicated symptoms, blood transfusion and bone marrow transplantation are performed.

Treatment of leukopenia with folk remedies

Some natural substances can restore damaged cells and improve blood counts. With leukopenia, decoctions and infusions are useful on the basis of:

Restoring the formula of blood is facilitated by a means of flower pollen and honey. It is not difficult to prepare it.



Honey is mixed with flower (pine) pollen. The mixture is left under the lid for 3 days. Every day take 1 teaspoon of a product with warm milk.

One of the most effective strengthening means of alternative medicine is the mummy. The natural substance is taken in the morning, at noon and before bedtime in accordance with the scheme:

After a 10-day break, the course of treatment should be repeated.

Eating with leukopenia

Important in the treatment of leukopenia is proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. The daily diet should be balanced and contain products that activate the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow. Among them:

Do not eat pork, beef, offal. Of the varieties of meat, turkey and rabbit are preferable.