Pekingese - description of the breed

Pekingese is a breed of dogs, bred 2000 years ago in China. They were owned only by representatives of the imperial blood. In Europe, this breed was brought in as trophies in the second half of the 19th century. Their number was 5 dogs, which marked the beginning of this breed in Europe. Having a noble history of a kind, these dogs differ in a truly royal character and behavior.

Pekingese - breed standard

This breed of dogs differs in comparatively small sizes. Weight averagely 3.2-5 kg, but there are also large individuals weighing 8-10 kg. Speaking about the description of the Pekingese breed, their feature is large and convex dark-colored eyes. The head of the Pekingese is massive, has a wide and flat forehead. Muzzle - also massive, wide, there is a transverse fold on the bridge of the nose. Torso - strong, paws - large, flat, oval in shape. Pekingese has a good coat. Color can be different: black, white, red, sand, gray, golden. Most often the color of Pekingese combined and the muzzle has a black mask.

Character of Pekingese

Pekingese does not forget about his noble origin, demanding love and constant attention only from the chosen people. These dogs are not very friendly to other dogs and strangers. Confident in themselves and brave, playful and affectionate with their beloved masters. They will be barking at strangers in the house. At a convenient opportunity, the Pekingese always shows that he is the master of the house. For children, Pekingese are nice, but they will always put themselves first. If they pay little attention and introduce many prohibitions, they can show character and harm as a sign of protest. Therefore, it will be necessary to exert maximum efforts in the education of this pet.

Like all breeds, Pekingese have their pros and cons. The positive side of this breed is that these animals will always be faithful and very loyal friends of the whole family, have a spectacular appearance, are very attached to their masters. As for the negative side, it is a willful character. Elegant wool of Pekingese necessary permanent care, for 10-15 minutes every day should be given to combing. Also, Pekingese are often prone to eye diseases and suffer severe heat.

Pekineses require difficult care of themselves. When raising these dogs, you need to be persistent, because Pekingese are distinguished by a high mind, they can establish their rules faster than you.