Ichthyophthyriosis - treatment in a common aquarium

Ichthyophthyriosis is a fish disease, which aquarists call "manga". It appears as white dots, tubercles on the fins, on the head, gills and body. The bumps are cracking, cysts with infusoria and the infusoria themselves accumulate at the bottom of the aquarium and settle into another fish. So healthy fish become infected. Infusorians enter the aquarium with infected fish, food , water. The disease is quickly transmitted to healthy fish. The first to become infected are small fish, fry and fish with weakened immunity.

Ill fish flick in the aquarium in convulsive movements, itches about walls and stones . If you do not treat ichthyothyroidism in fish, the points turn into spots and sores on the body. Fish hard to breathe - they float to the surface of the water, then fall to the bottom of the decline of forces.

Ichthyophthyroidism in fish - treatment

Treatment of ichthyothyroidism at home is possible. Collect the polluted water from the bottom of the aquarium to 1/4 of the volume and top up with clean water. Empty the aquarium for a week. Pests without fish will die. Sick fish in a separate bowl for treatment for 2-3 weeks.

Treatment of ichthyothyroidism with Furacilin

Ichthyophthyriosis is treated in a common aquarium by Furacilin (Rivanol). Compressor and filter do not turn off, do not raise the water temperature in the aquarium . Treatment of ichthyothyroidism with furicilin is good and harmless for all aquarium inhabitants.

In 30-40 liters of water, dissolve 1 tablet (0.2 g) and pour into the fish. Every day change a quarter of the water, add the medicine every other day. Fishes will cease to itch, start to eat, signs of the disease will disappear. Treat for 2-3 weeks. If necessary, treatment should be continued.

Ichthyophthyroidism - treatment with salt

Ichthyophthyriosis is treated with a stone-cooked, uniodized salt. Plants and some species of fish will not survive the action of salt, they will be removed from the aquarium. Each type of fish is treated individually.

There are 2 ways:

  1. The temperature of water for 2-3 days, raise to 30 °, to accelerate the life cycle of infusoria. In a solution, 1 tablespoon of salt per 10 liters of water, fish treat 10-30 days with a constant supply of oxygen. Then gradually replace the water.
  2. To destroy the parasites, we need fishponders. Dry table salt of 20-30 g / l put on the bottom and pour water. There, plant fish. Place oxygen slowly and from above. Water change 2 times a day to 10 days. Fish are kept above, and reproduction cysts, or already infusoria, fall to the bottom and perish from salt. Surviving parasites are removed with a change of water.