How to manage a dream?

Almost every person sees different dreams. Someone is tormented by nightmares, someone is immersed in an adventure, and someone embodies dreams . Mankind has long been interested in whether it is possible to control sleep or is this completely uncontrollable condition? This issue has long been engaged in science, which allowed many surprising discoveries.

Before you fall asleep you need to tune in to the right wave, that is, that you will certainly understand that you are sleeping. It must be a conscious desire, which comes literally from every cell of the body. To convince yourself that managing night vision is very important for you, you need to consider the possible benefits. First, a person is in a dream about 1/3 of the life. Secondly, thanks to such abilities you will get access to a huge amount of information in your subconscious. It is also worth considering that the time you spent in the dream does not coincide with reality, so several hours can correspond to 3 days. Other benefits of lucid dreams can be found in Steven Laberge's book Practice of Dreaming.

How to manage a dream?

To date, there are many research centers, various experts and literature, which are devoted to the study of night visions. The main goal that needs to be achieved is to understand that you are in a dream. After that, you can begin to explore the world around you and take action that you yourself want. In a dream you have the opportunity to realize all your secret dreams - learn to fly, find yourself on the moon, go on a date with your favorite actor, etc.

How to manage your dream - instructions:

  1. Of course, it's worth starting with the understanding that you are in a dream. For this purpose, experts recommend that during the day, you focus on something, for example, look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself: "Am I dreaming now or is this a reality?" Thanks to this, the brain will record this information, and when in a dream you will see a mirror that you can answer yourself that you are sleeping and everything turned out.
  2. To learn how to manage sleep, it is worth starting to focus on specific subjects or on people who participate in your visions, the so-called "anchor". For example, it could be your hand. When the pictures begin to blur, you just need to look at the hand to avoid losing contact. Experts in this area recommend that other sites do not stop looking at a long time.
  3. Get a notebook, write down all your visions and feelings that you experienced. Thanks to this you will be able to understand if your dream was manageable or not. For example, you turn on the TV in the night vision and watch the animal program, and when you turn it back on, the program has changed. Writing it all in a notebook, you can conclude that you are in a dream and are already making the first attempts to change it.
  4. Throughout the day, remember what you saw at night and compare feelings with reality. Thanks to this you can tune in to manage sleep.
  5. If you see some strange things or something occurs in the vision completely spontaneously - this means that you are on the right track. Because life in a dream is described by unusual phenomena: flights, travel and other miracles. It is necessary to learn that desires in night visions are quickly realized.

Learning to manage your sleep is very difficult, because you will need to spend a lot of time and patience on training. The main thing to remember is that you need to believe in success and that you will certainly succeed.