38 weeks of pregnancy - second birth

The second pregnancy, as a rule, is not the same as the first time. Therefore, a woman who is preparing to become a mother for the second and subsequent times may well face the onset of labor at the 38th week of pregnancy and even earlier.

Very often, the second and subsequent pregnancies last a little less and, respectively, the second and third births can happen earlier, most likely at 38 weeks of pregnancy, because the perenashivanie in the women who have a mole race is rare.

37 - 42 weeks are considered optimal for childbirth, because the baby is already full, mature and ready to be born. But in order for this to happen, the child should be ready for childbirth, but also a mother, in the body of which a certain hormonal balance must be achieved.

Do not try to artificially approximate childbirth, even if they are not the first, because any stimulation is fraught with complications. At this time, the fruit is almost not gaining weight, it ceases to grow, because it is too tight in the uterus. Gradually decreases the amount of amniotic fluid.

Features of the second pregnancy and second birth

Second children are usually more than the first. Before the second birth, the woman's belly may not fall, and the cork does not go away until the onset of labor.

The second birth proceeds more quickly, but is perceived somewhat more painful than the first, as the cervix is ​​opened faster.

Even with a larger child, childbirths flow more easily, as the body remembers what needs to be done. and the woman's belly may not fall, and the cork does not go away until the onset of labor.

The second birth proceeds more quickly, but is perceived somewhat more painful than the first, as the cervix is ​​opened faster. Even with a larger child, childbirths flow more easily, as the body remembers what needs to be done.

The preliminar period, which lasts a few hours just before delivery, is more pronounced in the second birth. At 38 weeks of gestation and further a woman may not feel the main precursors, as before the first birth. Therefore, a woman should be more attentive to her condition. About approaching childbirth can say pulling pain in the abdomen, tone of the uterus , specific discharge.

Before the second birth, training battles very quickly turn into the real ones.

If the first birth went well and in the second pregnancy the fetus has the right presentation, the usual size, and pregnancy proceeds without complications, then the second time the woman will also give birth alone.

If the previous pregnancy ended with caesarean section, then, most likely, the second time the woman will also undergo surgery, since few doctors risk to allow a woman to give birth independently with a scar on the uterus.

But, if a woman wants to give birth on her own, then at 38 weeks it's time to go to the hospital, where they are ready to lead birth through natural birthmarks after cesarean section.

But most often after the previous cesarean doctors do not allow a woman to give birth herself, because it is fraught with a divergence seam. Repeated cesarean section at 2, 3 and subsequent births is done precisely at 38 weeks of pregnancy.

Many women who are pregnant with the second and subsequent children are less worried and experience before giving birth and are more relaxed about what lies ahead. The experience gained helps them to better cope with the main female task.

By the 38th week, a woman who is no longer the first child, should be fully prepared for childbirth. She should have at hand a doctor's phone with which she is going to give birth; the things that are necessary for her and the newborn in the hospital must be collected; there must be an agreement with relatives or friends who can quickly deliver a woman to the hospital at any time of the day.

Sometimes some future mothers still want to "pull the time" before delivery, but this luxury for the second time may not be.