Psychology of Wealth

To become a well-to-do person, one must know the psychology of wealth. Only a few rules and belief in your success can work miracles.

The rules of psychology, how to become rich

  1. If you want to receive effective advice, then refer only to successful people who really know what to say. For example, if you want to learn how to play chess, then go to a professional, that's the same in business.
  2. Do not share with all your plans and ideas. This statement is the basis of the psychology of the rich people. Everyone has his own opinion on this or that question, and what is good for you can be bad for them.
  3. It is necessary to treat money carefully and with love. It is recommended to fold neatly the bills in the purse, thanks to the universe for them.
  4. The psychology of the rich and poor is very different, since the former easily part with their money and do not regret it, which you will not say about others. Learn, giving money , about yourself to say: "Good-bye, I hope, soon you will return back."
  5. To attract the necessary energy every day, say affirmations, for example: "money loves me," "every day I have more and more money." Think up such expressions for yourself and pronounce them as often as possible.
  6. Another important rule in the psychology of the rich is to be a generous person. Do not save on gifts to close relatives and friends, share your wealth with a pure heart.
  7. Stop envious, this feeling is not for the rich at all. Do not need to spend hours arguing where your friends have money for a new beautiful car, or on what means you can go to America every year. Learn to rejoice over others, the universe will certainly appreciate it.
  8. It is very important - not to save money for a "rainy day", as it will certainly come. Better collect on the implementation of his long-standing dream.