Atony of the intestine - symptoms and treatment

Atony of the intestine is a disease characterized by loss of muscle tone of the intestine and is associated with a violation of the evacuation of its contents. Very often, patients with this diagnosis do not take their illness seriously, and sometimes even completely ignore it. But having noticed the symptoms of atony of the intestine, one should begin treatment and prevention of the disease, since it can cause accumulation of toxins in the lumen of the intestine.

Symptoms of atony of the intestine

The main symptom of intestinal atony is constipation. Often, concomitant manifestations of this disease are:

Because of this, the patient has worsened overall health, a weakness and pale skin.

If the constipation lasts more than three days, such symptoms of intestinal atony are manifested, as:

Treatment of intestinal atony with drugs

Before you start medication for atony intestines in old people, children and people of other age groups, you should reduce the caloric content of the daily diet, increase the amount of fiber you consume and give up smoked, fried and very sweet food. Also, you should not allow large interruptions in nutrition. They should be about 2.5 hours.

To treat intestinal atony, drugs should be used that increase the tone of the muscles of the intestinal wall and increase its peristalsis. Such medicines include:

  1. Metoclopramide - has antiemetic effect and eliminates constipation, is available in the form of tablets and injections.
  2. Amiridin improves the neuromuscular transmission of the impulse and, due to this, enhances peristalsis, it can only be used under the supervision of a doctor.
  3. Proserin - used to treat intestinal atony only in hospital, when other drugs are ineffective.
  4. Regulax is a herbal preparation, based on senna herb, it has a laxative effect and removes stool from the colon.
  5. Pancreatin is an enzyme preparation that improves the digestion of food.

Those who have a severe bloating , during the treatment of atony of the colon with laxatives, should take Espumizan. This drug will help to weaken the surface tension of gas bubbles. With strong constipation, you can resort to using any rectal glycerin suppositories. They will provoke the appearance of urges to act of defecation.

Treatment of intestinal atony with folk methods

When the first symptoms of intestinal atony appear, treatment can begin with a strict diet and folk remedies for enhancing peristalsis. It helps to eliminate constipation in this disease with an infusion of aloe.

Recipe for infusion


Preparation and use

Peel the aloe leaves from the thorns and grind them. Add honey to them and put the mixture on the fire so that the honey melts slightly. After 24 hours this tool can be used. Take it daily for an hour before breakfast for 1 tsp.

To treat intestinal atony, you can use such a folk remedy as a pumpkin stew and beans.

The recipe for stew


Preparation and use

Separate the pulp pulp from the rind and cut it into large cubes. Peel and cut the onion and mix it with the pumpkin cubes. The resulting mixture is placed on a frying pan and for 15 minutes put out on vegetable oil. Boil the beans and add it to the pumpkin with onions. After 10 minutes, the curative dish will be ready. It can be added salt or other condiments to improve the taste. To cope with the disease, use this stew regularly (at least 4 times a week).