Guessing on an opponent

Many women sooner or later have a suspicion that a beloved man has another. This can be determined in many ways, for example, ask directly, set up surveillance or tell fortunes. There are a few simple options that everyone can handle.

Guessing on an opponent on playing cards

To conduct the divination, you must prepare a new deck of playing cards. In a calm environment, sit in a comfortable position and relax. Get rid of extraneous thoughts and think about your question. Take the deck in hand and shuffle it to recharge your energy. When there is a sense of unity with the deck, you can go on to guessing on your opponent. Separate the curled cards, that is, from the jack and above, and add four any cards that will be called a "dummy". Each group of cards has its own score:

Well mix the cards and ask them about the presence of a rival. It is important that it be concise. The next step is to draw out 4 cards, calculate the amount and look at the result of guessing on the rival and love:

This is often not recommended.

Guessing on wax - do I have a rival?

Another simple guessing, which will find the answer to the question of interest. Take the church wax candle and light it. Mentally think about your lover and ask a question. If the flame is quiet, then everything is fine in the relationship and there are no mistresses. When the flame crackles - it is a signal about the existence of a rival and you need to move on to the next stage of fortune telling. When the candle completely burns, put the stalk in a spoon and melt it over another candle. During this it is necessary to say such words:

"Wax crack-burn and tell me the truth." Bewitched, robbed, my dear heart (name) was stolen from me? Wax, do not be silent, tell the whole truth. "

Take a saucer with milk and pour the wax there. If the result is a round solid figure - this is a good sign, meaning that there is no mistress. When the wax freezes in separate drops, it means that the competitor exists and will have to try to keep the relationship.