Weeping eczema

Wetting eczema is an infectious and inflammatory skin disease, accompanied by the release of serous fluid in the affected areas. The disease manifests itself in the form of coarse scales and vesicles, which also have the property of itching. This disease is not contagious, but the owner delivers many problems, including itching, painful sensations, fast fatigue, nervousness and insomnia.

Symptoms of the disease

Initially, when a wet eczema occurs, the patient has swelling of the skin, there are bubbles and reddening of the skin. Next, the bubbles spontaneously open and form a wet eczema, which aches and itches.

After going to the doctor and undergoing the prescribed treatment, many completely get rid of the disease. However, it is possible that even after a few years, eczema will not break out again, hitting an even larger area of ​​the skin.

To cause such a relapse can be severe fatigue, nervous breakdown or even improper nutrition.

Causes of the disease

Most of the wetting appearance of eczema appears on the legs or hands, although other skin areas can be affected by the disease. Strangely, the fact that wet eczema, the causes of which are not always clear even to doctors, can unexpectedly go through or return as unexpectedly.

It is believed that an important role in the manifestation of this disease is infectious-allergic, endocrine-metabolic, neurogenic and hereditary factors. There are the following reasons for the appearance of a wet eczema type:

How to treat wet eczema?

An integrated approach is very important in the treatment of this type of eczema. The patient must be patient, as this disease is difficult to treat and is subject to various kinds of remissions and exacerbations.

To begin treatment of a wet eczema follows from refusal of many products and things, capable to be allergens:

  1. Wear the best clothes made from natural fabrics that do not have a bright color.
  2. Try to exclude cosmetics, perfumes, jewelry.
  3. Revise the means of personal and household hygiene.

Doctors prescribe to many patients Thiamine. This tool perfectly removes the pain syndrome, reduces itching and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. When the skin ceases to become wet, it is shown to use ointment from a wet eczema. Most often it includes zinc, bismuth, bromine, tar. As an emollient, salicylic or boric ointments are suitable.

It is worth noting that a comprehensive approach to treatment, as well as a combination of traditional medicine with folk remedies in most cases give a positive result. Wet eczema, the treatment of which must be controlled by a doctor, is not a verdict, and many patients return fairly quickly to their usual life.