Tablets from nail fungus on legs

No matter how sad it may sound, everyone can catch mycosis. People who strictly observe all standards of hygiene, of course, face the problem much less often. And yet, even they are not completely safe. Therefore, to know about what tablets help from the fungus of the nails on the legs, just in case anyone will not interfere. Perhaps, at some point, this knowledge will help to escape the unpleasant symptoms of mycosis.

Because of what tablets from a fungus of fingernails or nails on legs or foots can be necessary?

Infection with pathogenic microorganisms occurs by contact-household way: through objects of personal use. That's why experts strongly do not recommend using someone else's shoes in particular and things in general, walking barefoot in baths, gyms, swimming pools. Fungi feel comfortable at high temperatures and develop in the heat is very active.

If you detect and begin to treat mycosis at an early stage, no pills from the fungus of the nails on the legs will not be needed. Cure the disease can be done locally - with the help of special gels, ointments, varnishes and sprays. Another thing - the disease in neglected form. Fight with severe onychomycosis, when the nail becomes too hard and gradually begins to break down, you need pills.

What pills to treat the nail fungus on the legs?

Immediately after infection, mycosis begins to manifest itself. There is very strong itching, the nail plate becomes cloudy, yellowish, brown, greenish or black. Some patients are concerned about soreness at the site of the lesion.

Selecting effective pills against nail fungus on the legs, you need to consider several key factors:

The list of the most popular tablets from the nail fungus on the legs includes such medicines:

  1. Fluconazole or Diflucan is a medicine invented back in the eighties. The main active substances of the capsules destroy the fungal cell membranes. Take them once a week for a 150 mg tablet. In the most severe cases, the dose may increase to 300 mg. Continue treatment for at least six months - until the nail plate is fully refreshed, and sometimes even twelve months can go away. Because Fluconazole is a strong drug, you can not drink it all. The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy, during lactation, individual intolerance. It is not recommended to combine it with cisapride, astemizole, terfenadine.
  2. One of the best tablets from the fungus of nails on the legs is Lamizil . They need to drink at least two months. The drug is most effective against dermatophytes. Refuse the treatment Lamizilom preferably pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as those who suffer from problems with the liver and kidneys.
  3. Griseofulvin - the medicine is not new and use it not so often. He fights only with dermatophytes, but he does it very effectively. Take the medicine twice a day for 250 mg.
  4. A good remedy is ketoconazole . True, the first advancement in treatment will be noticeable only after 12 weeks - when the active substance reaches the nail plate.
  5. Another effective pill from the nail fungus on the legs is Itraconazole . This drug is universal, it copes with all the known types of harmful microorganisms that affect a person. And it acts faster than many analogues. Take Itraconazole 200 mg twice a day for a week. Repeat the course will need two more times with a break of three weeks.
  6. Strong tablets Terbinafine is prescribed against mold fungi.