Mint while breastfeeding

Many mothers know that it is better not to use mint when breastfeeding. However, with what such prohibition is connected - not everyone knows. Let's look at this plant in more detail, and try to find out why during breastfeeding tea with mint is better not to drink.

What is mint?

In total, there are more than 20 varieties of this plant. The main constituent of it is menthol. It is he who has a negative effect on the process of lactation.

However, it has been established that, in small concentrations, this herb is capable, on the contrary, of stimulating the synthesis of breast milk. This is why some doctors recommend that the woman who is just starting the process of breastfeeding recommend this remedy. In particular, this applies to a plant species such as mint curly, which contains carvone.

Is peppermint permitted for breastfeeding?

This plant species has the highest concentration of menthol. That's why it is not recommended to use it when nursing a baby.

In addition, that this component has a negative effect on the lactation process, there is a high probability that mint tea will cause an allergic reaction in the crumbs.

In addition, menthol has the property of lowering blood pressure. Therefore, the use of peppermint can lead to hypotension, both in mom and baby, which is fraught with negative consequences.

It should be noted that quite often this drug is used when it is necessary to stop the synthesis of breast milk, when the baby is already quite large and his mother does not breast-feed, and milk is produced.

What herbs can be used to enhance lactation?

Mint curly and lemon balm is an excellent combination that can be breastfed used to increase the volume of milk produced.

When preparing such a tea, it is necessary to take into account that the most part should be the melissa. This plant leads to an increase in metabolic processes, which stimulates the synthesis of milk. In addition, this herb helps normalize the hormonal background and positively affects the work of the nervous system of the mother.

In order to increase the production of milk with a gland, it is enough to drink one cup of tea or a broth with melissa a day. Begin to use this tea is necessary with small volumes, watching the reaction of a small organism.