Apricots with breastfeeding

Breastfeeding often causes a young mother to abandon her once-loved foods, as they can cause harm to the baby and provoke allergic reactions. However, this does not mean that the diet of a woman should exclude most of the known dishes.

On the contrary, the daily diet of the nursing mother should be correct, full and varied. In particular, its menu must necessarily include fresh fruits and vegetables, which are a natural source of a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. In this article, we will tell you whether it is possible to eat apricots during breastfeeding, or from this tasty and juicy goodies is better for a while to refuse.

Benefits and harms of apricots during breastfeeding

Of course, mature and ripe apricots are useful for all children and adults, including nursing women. They are incredibly nutritious, and the useful micronutrients in their composition can have the following beneficial effects on the human body:

In addition, these small fruits include a large number of vitamins, such as A, C, PP, B1 and B2, many pectin substances and natural acids. All these components take a direct part in the provision of vital functions of the organism and help the internal organs cope with the tasks entrusted to them by nature.

Can I eat apricots during breastfeeding?

During the baby's breast-feeding period, one should not abandon such a useful and unique fruit. Meanwhile, one does not need to overload a tiny organism, because in the smallest children this product can provoke intestinal colic or intense cramping pains in the abdomen.

To prevent this from happening, do not eat apricots during breastfeeding in the first month. It is necessary to wait for the execution of the crumb 2-3 months, and only after that try to introduce into your diet this delicious fruit, starting with half a small fruit. If the baby as a result did not have any adverse reaction, the number of apricots in the diet of a nursing mother can be gradually increased to 3-4 pieces per day.

To consume these fruits during breast-feeding, the baby can be exclusively ripe and only provided that chemicals are not used during the whole period of their growing. That's why young mothers can only enjoy fruits of apricot tree for several months, and all the rest of the time they have to give up tasty and useful fruits.

Meanwhile, if desired, in the season you can prepare a compote of apricots, which can be drunk with breastfeeding throughout the year. To do this, use the following sequence of actions:

  1. 10-15 fruits of apricot thoroughly rinse and extract from them stems.
  2. Put the fruit in a pre-sterilized jar.
  3. Pour into a saucepan 1 liter of water, put on a plate and bring to a boil.
  4. Add 200-300 grams of granulated sugar and wait until it is completely dissolved.
  5. Hot syrup pour into the jar to the very top and immediately cover it with a lid.
  6. Wait 5-7 minutes, then drain the syrup back into the saucepan and boil again.
  7. With hot syrup, pour the apricots in the jar again, roll it with a metal lid, then turn it over and wait for it to cool completely.

Cooked compote can be drunk throughout the year, if necessary, diluted with clean water.