Romantic memories of the first meeting between Natalya Vodyanova and Antoine Arnaud

Supermodel Natalia Vodyanova decorated the summer issue of W magazine, but a pleasant surprise was the participation in the photoset of her husband Antoine Arnault and children. The couple opened the veil and invited the photographer to their house, and in the interruptions of the shooting process they gave a frank interview to the tabloid and shared their memories of the first date!

It's no secret that men and women differently remember their first meeting and date, not an exception, Natalia and Antoine. The businessman claims that he first saw his future wife during the filming of the advertising campaign of Louis Vuitton nine years ago. But the girl, keen on the work and selection of successful personnel, did not pay attention to the young man, although she repeatedly crossed with him at work.

I then headed the communications department at Louis Vuitton and I communicated with many models on the job. When Natalia came to us, I was overwhelmed on the spot. She is undoubtedly a beautiful woman, but it's different, Natasha is endowed with an amazing aura and a piercing look! Strange, but as it turned out later, she did not remember our meeting.
W magazine produced several different images
The model is not afraid to be funny

After this meeting, Antoine did not dare to make a closer acquaintance, especially since Natalia was then married to Justin Portman. They repeatedly intersected at official events, but Vodyanova did not give any reason for a hint of a close relationship with Arno, and he waited. In 2011, the model divorced from the elastic and it became the property of the press.

I learned that she broke up with Portman from the newspapers. At that time I was also alone and decided on the first step. Of course, it was not immediately, I did not want to discredit it, we met only after a few months.
Improvisations for W magazine

Arnaud invited Natalia to her apartment, he deliberately chose a place where no one bothered them and no rumors were not necessary to anyone. Natalia described the first date with Antoine as follows:

Antoine invited me to his Paris apartment. Memories are very ambiguous, we talked and drank wine on a large terrace with a view of the city. No pathos, he was wearing jeans and looked like an ordinary guy, we were both a bit shy, oddly enough. I was a little surprised that he did not try to kiss me. At some point I even decided that maybe he wants us to be friends. But deep down he was very nice to me and it was nice to be with him!
Studio photo by Natalia Vodyanova

The return visit was no longer so romantic, rather tragic. Arno described the events in Natalia Vodyanova's apartment as follows:

The apartment had her whole family: children, mother and grandmother with grandfather, as well as friends of the family with children. During the conversation, one of the invited guests became ill, unexpectedly for everyone started a panic attack. Everyone was so scared that I had to call an ambulance, fortunately, it ended well.
Natalia with her eldest son
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After this visit, Arno tried to see Natalia more often and flew to London every weekend for her. After a while, Antoine offered his beloved to live together, in his Paris apartment.

I told Natalia that I want to live with her, the children and that there are joint children in our family.

In 2014, the couple had a son, Maxim, and two years later, Antoine and Natalia became the parents of the baby, with the Russian name Roman. Are they happy, perhaps, this is a stupid question, since their eyes are filled with love!

Natalia and Antoine have two common children
Family Idyll