How to teach a rabbit to the tray?

It is very difficult to accustom a baby to the tray for up to three months, because during puberty the baby can tag everything. We'll have to wait for his maturity and begin to make attempts to resolve the issue: how to accustom the rabbit to a "pot." The easiest "learn" adult castrated ears. So think, maybe you sterilize your own, if you are not going to rear offspring.

People usually question the cleanliness of rabbits. But in vain. "Pig" occurs only because of their incorrect maintenance and care . But in nature, animals do not shit in their holes, but they do not need "on the street". The only thing they allow at home is cecotrophs, which appear just like fecal masses, but they are a collection of useful substances for rabbits, clothed in a mucous membrane. Cecotrophs are eaten by animals for the full replenishment of nutrients extracted from food.

It happens that the rabbit refuses to use the cooked tray because of an uncomfortable place or something else - this we will never understand. But it also happens that because of stress or other reasons the rabbit begins to mark the territory. It shows that this is his "home". With castrated, adapted animals there is no problem at all. After all, he does not need to prove that possession belongs only to him.

Toilet for decorative rabbit

What should be a tray for a decorative rabbit ? First, the toilet filler for rabbits should be poured directly into the tray, and not throughout the residence. The bottom of the cage is best lined with straw. The animal should clearly distinguish between the "dining room" and "the toilet". And place a sennik next to it. Earede eat and defecate almost at the same time, so the proximity of two "rooms" will quickly accustom your pet to "pot".

Did you find peas outside the tray? Move it, let the animal not "forget" where to go. And if you have a second one - a new one, "pampered," then put the old-timer's peas in his tray - he will immediately take them "neutralize" his.

From the very beginning of training it is not necessary to wash the "pot" often. Eared should get used to this place. And then take to clean every day. And, to begin with, arrange a few trays in secluded and dark places, which the animal loves so much. So you protect yourself from the constant cleaning of the apartment from the feces of the baby.