How to lose weight in the abdomen?

Many ladies believe that you can lose weight at will, in only one part. But do you know of at least one person who, at his request, can grow fat, for example, only in the chest? Hardly. Local weight loss, as well as local weight gain, is impossible, because such issues are solved by the organism independently, based on your genetic type. Thus, if you are wondering how to lose weight in the abdominal area, you should simply lose weight and fat cells, including the abdominal region, disappear.

A good diet for losing weight belly

Any correct diet for losing weight belly involves healthy food and the rejection of a high-calorie, heavy meal, which brings nothing but fat deposits. The list of prohibitions includes:

The best food for slimming belly is a combination of protein foods and vegetable garnish. Consider an example of a daily diet:

  1. Breakfast: a couple of eggs, salad of sea kale, tea.
  2. Lunch: a serving of soup, light vegetable salad, juice.
  3. Snack: any fruit, except the banana.
  4. Dinner: chicken / fish / beef with steamed or fresh vegetables, tea.

In doing so, do not forget that the body needs a lot of water, so ideally, you should drink at least 4-6 glasses of water between meals.

Slimming belly and sides

In order to lose weight in the abdomen and sides, it is best to exercise in addition. In general, it can be anything you like:

We will only consider the latter option, since in other cases the coach will help you. If you decide to study at home, it is best for the belly and sides to take a weighted hoop and a regular rope. To jump it is necessary for 5-10 minutes for an occupation, to twist a hoop - 7-15 minutes (we are talking about a weighted hoop with a weight of about 3 kg, if the hoop is light - it takes 20-30 minutes). You can do it once a day for 15 minutes, but daily, or every other day, but twice a day for 15 minutes.

With such a program, you'll bring your stomach in perfect shape in a matter of weeks. The main thing is to go ahead, eat right and do it, and the result will certainly please you.